Mrs. Ondeck 12th year teaching 5th in LCPS 2nd at Pinebrook
Specials Brain Breaks Morning Work Calendar Guided Reading Shared Reading Recess Lunch Writing Math Read Aloud Science / Social Studies Independent Reading Specials Brain Breaks
Wed P.E. and Guidance/SEARCH Thurs Music and Computer Lab Mon Library Tues Art and P.E. Wed P.E. and Guidance/SEARCH Thurs Music and Computer Lab Fri P.E. and Music *Search and Guidance will be held on alternating weeks
Please read with your child every night! *Homework calendars start in October. *For writing activities, please allow your child to sound out words. It is OK if words are not spelled correctly! *Practice first and last name
If your child needs assistance with letter formations, you can write the letters in highlighter for him/her to trace. *Example for handwriting lines:
Levels A-E Will asses in September List will come home to practice Next list comes home after mastery of the previous list
Online Math and Reading Computer Programs * Kids A-Z *Dreambox *Students will use their username (student ID) and password (birthdate mm/dd) to access all online programs. *More information for how to log on will be sent home at a later time.
Report cards are sent electronically and can be accessed via ParentVue. First quarter there will only be grades for "Characteristics that Affect Learning" and written comments. Report card benchmarks M- Meets standard P- Progressing towards standard B- Below standard *Second-third quarter you may see a lot of P’s……..that’s okay!!
Kindergarten Assessments PALS - Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening Fall Winter (if needed) Spring DRA - Developmental Reading Assessment Only given in the Spring
P.B.I.S. Pumas are Ready, Responsible, Respectful! * Good behavior is the class expectation. *Students can earn Paws for going above and beyond the expectations.
Field Trip *Kindergarten Field Trip to Great Country Farm in the spring *We will take 5 chaperones per class. We will draw names once all permission forms are submitted. *The field trip is Full Day!!
Label all clothing, backpacks, lunch boxes with your child’s name Change of clothes Water Bottles Blue transportation form Green Bus Tags Wish List
Download the app or visit Use the sign up code to register We’ll use bloomz to schedule Conferences Volunteers Mystery Readers Sign Up Code: X2FRDX
Scheduling will be done through Bloomz They will be 20 minutes long Sign up will be available mid October
Classroom volunteers will start in October Mystery Reader sign up will be available in September Please let me know if you are interested in helping out from home Room Parent sign up
Class Directory *If you would like to be a part of the class directory, please input your contact information in the back of the room on the computers. *This will be sent home to all of the students in the class once all of the information has been received.
Scholastic News
Scholastic Book Orders *Please see the letter at your child’s table *Orders for September are due online by September 28th
Email: BEST way to communicate with me is through email Follow me on Twitter @MrsOndeck