Grundtvig Learning Partnership GATE – Generations Ageing Together in Europe August 2012 - July 2014 August 2012 - July 2014LLP/AT-430/127/12.


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Presentation transcript:

Grundtvig Learning Partnership GATE – Generations Ageing Together in Europe August July 2014 August July 2014LLP/AT-430/127/12

GATE – Generations Ageing Together in Europe Partners Workers Educational Association WEA Northern Ireland (coordinator) Club Amici di Salvatore Quasimodo, Roccalumera Italy Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Químicos de la Comunidad, Valenciana Spain bia-net Netzwerk Bildung im Alter, Graz Austria University of Leicester, UK U.I.L. Pensionati del Trentino, Italy

GATE – Generations Ageing Together in Europe Project Objectives 1 To facilitate discussion and debate on active ageing - what does it mean? How can it be achieved? What role does education play? To facilitate discussion and debate on active ageing - what does it mean? How can it be achieved? What role does education play? To explore and examine the role of government, health bodies and other stakeholders in active ageing strategies and how they can work together collaboratively. To explore and examine the role of government, health bodies and other stakeholders in active ageing strategies and how they can work together collaboratively. The exchange of knowledge, experiences and good practice in promoting active ageing strategies and engaging older people. The exchange of knowledge, experiences and good practice in promoting active ageing strategies and engaging older people. To encourage and strengthen dialogue between the generations on active ageing. To encourage and strengthen dialogue between the generations on active ageing.

GATE – Generations Ageing Together in Europe Project Outcomes Project Leaflet Project Webpage – GATE Framework of Good Practice GATE Guide

GATE – Generations Ageing Together in Europe Project Activities Project Meetings and discussion of - Project Meetings and discussion of - Active Ageing Active Ageing The role of education in active ageing strategies The role of education in active ageing strategies Collaborative working of key stakeholders Collaborative working of key stakeholders Age friendly environments Age friendly environments Intergenerational approach to active ageing Intergenerational approach to active ageing Life course approach Life course approach Engaging the most vulnerable older people Engaging the most vulnerable older people Barriers and Benefits Barriers and Benefits Finding good practice in active ageing education among partners and wider through exchanging knowledge and critical reflection on current practice Finding good practice in active ageing education among partners and wider through exchanging knowledge and critical reflection on current practice Internet Based Research Internet Based Research Current Policies, Practices and Research Current Policies, Practices and Research Local, Regional and European level Local, Regional and European level Can we learn anything from outside Europe? Can we learn anything from outside Europe? National Workshops/Local Activities National Workshops/Local Activities To discuss the issues locally with all generations To discuss the issues locally with all generations Life course approach to ageing Life course approach to ageing

Active Ageing – LAP LAP has provided a range of programmes which help support active ageing – -Physical Activity -Social interaction -Mentally stimulating Health and Well Being Programme: Active Lifestyles Planning for Retirement

Active Lifestyles Programme Encourages older people to develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes needed for mental, emotional, social and physical well being in later life. Takes a holistic, life course and community development based approach to promoting health and well being in later life and takes account of the rich diversity of older people in Northern Ireland and their social and community context. Looks at importance of diet, exercise, mental stimulation and social activity in promoting health and well being in later life. Aims to increase mobility and independence in later life. Raise awareness of and knowledge of age related illness and preventative measures. Raise awareness of the range of activities available locally in relation to health and well being.

Body Wisdom - Derry Working with local Professional Dance Company Echo Echo Provides contemporary dance and movement courses for older people Learn about the body, how it moves & responds, how to deal with physical problems and working through these Physical Activity & Relaxation

Old Library Trust – Derry Health 4 Life Programme A Five Year Programme, Funded by the Big Lottery Open to those aged 60+ Programme includes: Gym and Spin for all Abilities Line Dancing Boccia Walking Club Healthy Eating and Cooking Foot Care Clinic Gentle Yoga The Social Hour Memory Club- Dementia Group

Belfast Healthy Ageing Strategic Partnership - HASP Belfast HASP is a partnership of key agencies providing a joined up approach to the delivery of services which promote the health, wellbeing and independence of older people in Belfast. The partnership is currently focussing on four key issues: joined up information and advice community capacity building combating social isolation home support services or care and repair.

Tri Age - Belfast Springfield Charitable Association - Lottery funded The overall aim is to enhance the quality of life, health and wellbeing of older people who live in west Belfast Aimed at disadvantaged older people, who are isolated and considered hard to reach or those who have been diagnosed or at risk of developing dementia and other associated illnesses. Work towards removing barriers and will actively promote participation and engagement in community life. Develop a community support programme to promote independent living. Offer a range of programmes based around diet, exercise and stimulation and by providing in-centre and outreach advice services around benefits, home safety and heating, falls and accident prevention.

Engage with Age – Hope Project Target less active older people at risk of social isolation Reducing isolation, increasing confidence and better access to improved social networks and relationships. Establish hubs for older peoples engagement in a range of activities in sheltered housing schemes and other locations. Improving older peoples quality of life, health and well- being through planning and taking part in meaningful and fulfilling activities. Stronger relationships developed between housing association residents, staff and local community by sharing resources and shared activities. Increased participation of volunteers in befriending and one to one support.