Andrew Christensen, SRWG Chair June 2017 Chair Report Andrew Christensen, SRWG Chair Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Efficient Approach to node-breaker Focus is operations but they want planning to be involved Would like to see more participation from the WECC BA's. Only at half right now Long term goal is to get Operations and Planning working off the same model. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Phase 2 composite load model Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council MOD-033 guideline Provides basic information on how WECC staff and Peak RC prepare the study cases for model validation. Guideline approved by TSS link Powerflow cases that can be used for MOD033 review will be posted on the Western Electricity Coordinating Council
RAC meeting schedule solicitation to by June 2, 2017 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Model Implementation Schedule No new models to report Three phase overcurrent relay modeling should be finished as of 9/2016 Adding clarity for the MVWG Library Removal Date Western Electricity Coordinating Council