Hello: Take out your TFK sheet describing the 3 issues or topics you would like to talk about. Monday, November 7, 2016 Agenda: Socratic Seminar on the 2016 Election. Standards:8.3.6 Describe the basic law- making process and how the Constitution provides numerous opportunities for citizens to participate in the political process, and to monitor and influence government (2 system party). 8.3.7 Understand the functions and responsibilities of a free press. Learning Goal: Be able to discuss issues facing the United States of America.
Hello: Take out your TFK sheet describing the 3 issues or topics you would like to talk about. Tuesday, November 8, 2016 Agenda: Socratic Seminar on the 2016 Election. Standards:8.3.6 Describe the basic law- making process and how the Constitution provides numerous opportunities for citizens to participate in the political process, and to monitor and influence government (2 system party). 8.3.7 Understand the functions and responsibilities of a free press. Learning Goal: Be able to discuss issues facing the United States of America.
Reaction to parts of the debate Immigration Clip Economy-Minimum Wage Clip Economy- National Debt Clip Race relations Clip Foreign Policy Clip Candidate's Temperament Clip Job creation/economy inequality Clip 2nd Amendment Clip Rigged election Clip Closing Statement “Why should you be elected president?” Clip
Hello: Sit in old assigned seats. Get out your Chromebooks. Agenda: Pick-up your ISN from the front of the room. Wednesday, November 9, 2016 Agenda: Preview Activity- Capture the Flag What if…. Reflection Globe reading Standards:8.1.4 Describe the nation’s blend of civic republicanism, classical liberal principles, and English parliamentary traditions. Learning Goal: To compare capture the flag with historic events.
Hello: Take out your Chromebook Hello: Take out your Chromebook. Go to Google Classroom Retake will be Wednesday at lunch LEVEL C Retake will be Thursday at lunch LEVEL A Thursday, November 10, 2016 Agenda: Discuss last week’s assessment Video clips vs. Capture the flag game Brainstorm important vocabulary Begin reading notes for the “American Revolution.” Standards: 8.1.4 Describe the nation’s blend of civic republicanism, classical liberal principles, and English parliamentary traditions. Learning Goal: To have a basic understanding of key leaders and events of the American Revolution.