AP Art History 2016-2017: Ms. Anello
1. Why Study Art History? Write down 2-3 reasons why you took this course. Please write in sentence form (Several reasons I decided to take Advanced Placement Art Hist…etc etc) <- Baroque Rococo ->
2. Why look at art? Watch the video and create a 2-3 bullet list as to why we should study art: Share with a partner what you wrote. Add one more thing your partner(s) might have put
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What do you know? Use your smartphone or an ipad, go to kahoot.it (don’t download the app…) Put in the game pin Ms A will provide in a few moments For your “nickname” put your first name, last initial like: Lindsay A All questions are based on the Big 250 pieces of art you will need to know for the AP Test on May 2nd 2017 (afternoon session!)