Language Arts Birthdays Math REMINDERs We are finishing the year with our Plants reading unit and Functional Writing unit. In our reading unit we are going to use some of our reading and thinking strategies to learn about plants. We will compare the ways scientists think and learn to how we learn as readers. In the Functional Writing unit we are looking at types of writing that surround us everyday. Shopping lists, letters, flyers, advertisements, billboards, and calendars are all examples. Calendar 5/24 half day professional day 5/28 School Closed for Memorial Day Birthdays 5/30 Janice Math We are finishing the year with Addition, Subtraction, 2-D and 3-D shapes, Weight and Measurement, and Ten Frames. We will review concepts that need work and complete our “End of the Year” Math Assessments. REMINDERs Please send in Permission Slips and money for the Field Trip.