Review: Muscle Types Involuntary vs. Voluntary 1 whiteboard per PERSON Write Muscle Type: Involuntary or Voluntary:
Review: Muscle Types Involuntary vs. Voluntary Practice: You will have 20 seconds to write the NAME of the muscle tissue and decide if the muscle is VOLUNTARY OR INVOLUTARY
Review: Muscle Types Involuntary vs. Voluntary Wait for Ms. Fine to say “boards up!” This is to help you remember all the information you already know about the muscular system!
1. Muscle Type? Voluntary or Involuntary?
2. Muscle Type? Voluntary or Involuntary?
3. Muscle Type? Voluntary or Involuntary?
4. Muscle Type? Voluntary or Involuntary?
5. Muscle Type? Voluntary or Involuntary?
6. Muscle Type? Voluntary or Involuntary?
7. Muscle Type? Voluntary or Involuntary?