Information for enrollees Master Programme Acceptance of applications: 10-30 July 2017. Entrance examinations: foreign language test and a comprehensive examination in the speciality. A comprehensive exam in the specialty includes questions on the following disciplines: Economic theory, Business - planning, Organization of production. Information on entrance to Master degree programme: magistratura Contacts For interested in training on the new educational programme of the SARUD Master's Program "Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development": Dr. Nurgul Nurmukhanbetova Sh.Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University Executive secretary of the admissions office Kokshetau city,, Abay Street, 76 Tel.: 8-701-743-21-47 Email: Additional information and contacts : Speciality: 6М050600 - Economics Training Trajectory : Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Hurry up to apply for admission! Photo: Lyazzat Syzdykova, Sh.Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University
1 2 3 4 S e m e s t e r Curriculum perspective SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT S. Saduakasov Agro-Economic Institute of Sh.Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University invites graduates of the bachelor's degree for training on the new educational programme SARUD "Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development" on the direction Master of Science and Education 6M050600- Economics. SARUD Master's programme is focused on practical training in the field of sustainable agriculture and rural development. Being an interdisciplinary speciality at the intersection of economics and agriculture, SARUD Master's programme includes studying the basic world concepts of sustainable development, covering all three components of sustainability and issues of economic, social and institutional development, the ecological well-being of rural areas, as well as aspects of agricultural production. The educational programme "Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development" will give you the opportunity to undergo an academic mobility programme for one semester at a partner institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a foreign internship in the Russian Federation and the EU countries. S e m e s t e r Compulsory disciplines Ecological concepts and agriculture. Sustainable development Economic security of the firm Elective disciplines Technologies of sustainable agriculture (crop production) Food safety and food quality control of vegetable raw materials Sustainable development of rural areas: approaches to the development of regional programmes Technologies of sustainable agriculture (livestock) Food safety and food quality control of animal raw materials Agrotourism Ecological marking, marketing of ecological and regional products of rural areas Statistical support for the development of rural areas Development of an information and consulting service in rural areas Rural sociology Involvement of the population in the development of rural areas Organization of entrepreneurial activities in rural areas Economic analysis of the sustainability of economic entities in rural areas Basics and principles of local self-government in rural areas Rural Development Management Management of biological resources of rural areas Organic Agriculture Bioeconomics Environmental regulation and legislation in rural areas Master's dissertation 1 2 3 4 New specialization In the process of training on the new educational programme "Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development" you will acquire comprehensive interdisciplinary knowledge at the intersection of the following spheres: Economics Management Social sciences Agronomy Ecology Learn to apply modern methods of planning land use and assess agroecosystems, as well as socio-cultural and natural resources. After completing SARUD education programme, specialists in the field of sustainable agriculture and rural development will be able to independently apply the concepts of rural development to local conditions. Graduates of the programme can be employees of organizations of various organizational and legal forms of ownership, be scientific and pedagogical workers. SARUD Master's program was developed jointly by the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation in cooperation with European universities led by the project coordinator at the University of Hohenheim, Germany within the framework of the Erasmus + programme with the support of the European Union 561969-EPP-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP