Page 26 of composition book Informational Text Page 26 of composition book
THIEVES is a pre-reading strategy that sets the purpose for reading using an easily remembered acronym. Title, Headings, Introduction, Every first sentence, Visuals/Vocabulary, End-of chapter questions, and Summary before reading the entire text selection.
SQRRR = Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review Survey or Overview -; look at the clues make connections from past knowledge, bold print, color changes indicate importance Questioning - what will Mrs. D want me to know? READ by Outlining non-fiction helps us focus on the reading, keeps us engaged, and vital as electronic texts become more common As you read, organize the ideas to be used later (this is Recite) to answer questions.(Review) This always helps you study for the test
Outline Note taking Your book is color coded - Chapter Title I.Section Title (red) – Roman Numberals A. Main Idea (blue) – Capital letters A,B,C,D 1. Subpoint (red) or * if there is only one – 1,2,3 a.Detail (green) who,, what/how one for each letter b.Detail (green) when, where a, b, c, d, c.Detail (green) 2. subpoint B. 2nd Main Idea (blue)