Offsite Storage Relocation at Memorial University Amanda Tiller-Hackett, Collections Librarian (Humanities) CAUL Webinar, May, 30, 2018. Collection Strategies
The situation: New Facility… Since 2007, the library had its own storage and retrieval contract with the facility, Iron Mountain. On Sept. 26, 2017, it was announced that the library would be included in a university-wide contract which was awarded to a new unit, DocuGuard. Collection Strategies
Tasks and opportunities Library to coordinate a procedure for moving the collection from one storage facility to another. Ideal opportunity to weed! Collection strategies
Initial plan Create reports of storage holdings which would allow us to make as many decisions beforehand as possible. Filter all materials back to the QEII for review before relocation to new facility. Clear out space in furniture storage area of the library for temporary shelving for the materials as they are returned to the library in batches. Earmark materials for DocuGuard Storage, Discard, or return to main stacks. Collection Strategies
First steps Wrapping our heads around a complex project involving multiple units: Form a committee consisting of: Head, Collection Strategies Facilities Manager Head of Serials and Acquisitions Head of Cataloguing and Metadata Associate University Librarian, QEII Task: work on a plan for a small scale pilot to form the basis of the project workflow. Collection Strategies
Collections Subcommittee Formed Subcommittee of Collection Division to look at Weeding Head, Collection Strategies 1 Humanities, 1 Social Sciences, and 1 Science Librarian Tasks: Look back at “Sins of the Past.” Look into national alternatives such as Downsview (UofT), and consider what we could/should contribute to such an initiative. Consider the coordination of the relocation of specific materials (ex. Government Documents). Attempt some preliminary decisions before boxes arrive. Collection strategies
Offsite Storage materials Queen Elizabeth II (QEII) Library and Marine Institute Library holdings: Approximately 13,000 boxes of low use materials: monographs serials government documents microfilm VHS and other media Archival materials. Collection Strategies
Weeding: Initial concerns and problems Difficult to know the contents of each box in storage. Some things we think should be in storage (ex. original VHS tapes kept for Copyright compliance) could not be located in Storage. Environmental controls and conditions for archival materials at new facility? Collection Strategies
Other Storage possibilities? Become part of national conversation about combined/shared storage (ex. Downsview Storage Facility, UofT) Considerations: Greater cost to retrieve items from Offsite Storage than through Document Delivery (ex. Downsview). Better environmental controls at Downsview (for long term preservation) Opportunity to share unique collections on national scale Collection Strategies
January 2018… Consider what can be moved right away Send materials to DocuGuard, and pull it all back from there for processing? Start with item-level material: Send all boxes of which we know the contents to DocuGuard; send the rest to the library for review. Collection strategies
Environmental concerns…resolved? Determined that environmental controls at new facility did not meet our standards for the preservation of archival materials. Decided that archival materials would stay at Iron Mountain. Collection strategies
Lessons Learned from “Sins of the Past”… We had box-level details, but not item-level. Needed more information on the contents of the boxes. Goal to keep better records. Don’t rely on circulation statistics alone when sending to offsite storage: Indexes sent to offsite storage because of low use. Indexes do not circulate. Many newer editions sent to storage because of lower use than older editions (which stayed in the main stacks). Volumes broken up because some went to storage and some stayed in the main stacks. Collection Strategies
Current status of relocation… Boxes for which we have item information (largely monographs) being sent directly to DocuGuard. Box-level materials coming to QEII so that we can document their contents and make weeding decisions. Transfer of item-level materials commenced mid-March. Estimated completion: mid-June 1st batch of box-level materials to be reviewed arriving at the QEII first week of June (1183 boxes of print Government Document materials) Items requested since 2007 brought back to main stacks. What remains are unrequested materials, only. Collection strategies
Procedures for in-Transit items Request items through Document Delivery New location codes for items in DocuGuard and items in transition. Collection strategies
Thank you! Amanda Tiller-Hackett, MA, MLIS Humanities Collection Development Librarian Queen Elizabeth II Library Memorial University of Newfoundland 709-864-7281 Collection strategies