Interfacing Lab Part Guide
The Solderless Breadboard Rows along the top and bottom are connected horizontally along the length of the board Holes in the centre are connected in vertically in groups of 5
Power Supply Provides your circuit with electricity Current flows from Negative to Positive Negative is flagged with tape
Power Supply - Schematic Positive Terminal Negative Terminal
Wire Stranded - 22 Gauge Solid - 22 Gauge
Wire - Schematic
Diode Allows current to flow in only 1 direction The stripe indicates the negative side of the diode
Diode - Schematic
LED (Light Emitting Diode) The short leg is the Negative side of the LED Too much current will cause LEDs to explode
LED - Schematic
Resistor Reduces the amount of current flowing through the circuit The colour of the stripes indicate the amount of resistance
Resistor - Schematic
TIP 31 Controls the flow of electricity through a circuit through the ground Similar to a light switch Leg 1: Computer Signal (Trigger) Leg 2: Ground Out (Remote) Leg 3: Ground In (Ground)
TIP 31 - Schematic Trigger Ground Remote
Tip 42 TIP 42 Controls the flow of electricity through a circuit through the power Similar to a light switch Leg 1: Computer Signal (Trigger) Leg 2: +5V Out (Remote) Leg 3: +5V In (+5V)
Tip 42 - Schematic Trigger + 5 V Remote
Motor V DC motors Direction changes depending on where the positive and negative terminals of the power supplies are connected
LED - Schematic M