Pope Globalization Academy Foundation - 10/11/17 Parent’s Meeting
AGENDA II. New Academies Leadership and Focus I. Pope Globalization Academy Foundation Introduction II. New Academies Leadership and Focus III. Academy Curriculum, Projects, ISDS, and AP Capstone IV. Sophomore Cohort KSU Project, Academy International Trips VI. Senior Cohort Committee VII. PGAF Budget Report VIII. Other PGAF Plans IX. New Volunteer Needs X. Q&A 2
Foundation Mission Statement and Goals MISSION STATEMENT: The Pope Globalization Academy Foundation (PGAF) supports teachers, counselors, students, and the staff of the Globalization Academy of Pope High School with financial assistance, community outreach, teacher collaboration and parental involvement. Goals To provide financial support to the Globalization Academy via fundraising and collection of donations to the Academy To facilitate community outreach via parental networks To collaborate with the teachers of the Academy To foster parental involvement 3
Thank you to last year’s Board Members and Globalization Academy Coordinator! Monica Burke Bob Burke Ally Taylor Lori Shapiro Allison Eman Donna Holland Holly Maddox Nick Holman 4
2017/2018 Board Members Brett Mathison co-President Amy Boehm Secretary Liz Mathison co-President Sheri Kell VP Operations Ritu Patel Vice President Christi Rhyne Sponsorship-Fundraising Aaron Ripley Treasurer Jill Mitchell Member at large Deepa Paramesh Communications Shannon Uschold Member at large 5
New Academies Leadership and Focus Ms. Denise Danielson, Pope AP and Academies Director 6
Academy Curriculum, Projects, ISDS, and AP Capstone Brendan Widness, New Globalization Academy Coordinator 7
Sophomore Cohort KSU Project, Academy Trips Roger Prill 8
Senior Cohort Committee Monica Burke 9
Suggested Annual Tax-Deductible Donation per Student: $150.00 PGAF Budget Report Budget Review Suggested Annual Tax-Deductible Donation per Student: $150.00 Online payments and donations can be made at: https://squareup.com/store/pope-globalization-academy 10
Other PGAF Plans Marketing and Communications – Website (http://popeglobalization.weebly.com/ ), Facebook, Remind101, Newsletter, Video, Shutterfly, and other marketing materials (t-shirt, magnets, etc) Fundraising – Corporate Sponsors and Company Matches Speaker Series Globez Breakfasts and other Team Building Events Student Volunteer Opportunities – will be posted on Facebook and Cultural Corner page on the website Event funding, planning, and coordination support of Global Connections Night, KSU Project Night, and Senior Class End-of-Year events Support the Globalization Academy Partnerships, including KSU, GCIV (Georgia Council for International Visitors), and AIDL (Atlanta Institute for Diplomatic Leadership) 11
Please visit the sign up sheets before you leave this evening! New Volunteer Needs Please visit the sign up sheets before you leave this evening! 12
Parent Remind 101s Text 81018 to the following numbers to be added to Remind 101 2018 Cohort - @ad6b22 2019 Cohort - @2019cohor 2020 Cohort - @2020coh 2021 Cohort - @2021co 13
Thank you for your support of the Globalization Academy! Q&A Thank you for your support of the Globalization Academy! 14