Chapter 12 Review STUDY ME!!
Populist/Progressive Based on their political platform, which political party made this statement? “We believe that the powers of government should be expanded…to the end that oppression, injustice, and poverty shall actually cease in the land.” Populist/Progressive
What Supreme Court Case established separate but equal? Plessy v. Ferguson
Why does the Author reference Jim Crow in the title of the article Jim Crow refers to a set of laws designed to segregate African Americans and whites.
Passed more segregation statues. How did the Supreme Court’s Plessy v Ferguson ruling impact southern legislatures? AKA what did it give them the legal right to do. Passed more segregation statues.
Homer Plessy hoped that the Supreme Court would find the Separate Car Act in violation of which Amendment? 14th Amendment
Where did the political term Bourbon originate? From the kings of France between 1814-1830
White supremacy, social segregation, and small government. What were the central beliefs of the post-Reconstruction Democratic Party? Hint: These were the Bourbon/Reedmers Democrats who did not accept changes brought by the Civil War. White supremacy, social segregation, and small government.
Which conclusion can be drawn about the use of children in this advertisement? The Louisiana State Lottery Company wanted to remind consumers that their purchase would benefit others.
How did the system of sharecropping work? Planters (large land owners) would rent a portion of their land to a farmer who promised the planter an agreed upon portion of the crop and free labor.
The Louisiana State Lottery Company was powerful and corrupt. What conclusion can be drawn from this statement: “One newspaper described the Lottery’s influence noting that Louisiana was ‘ceded to Spain in 1762, ceded back to France in 1803, sold to the U.S. the same year, admitted to the union in 1812, and purchased by the Louisiana Lottery Company in 1890.” The Louisiana State Lottery Company was powerful and corrupt.
Which explains how the New Orleans Ring and the Lottery Company maintained control of New Orleans? They bought votes with small cash payments or patronage jobs.
Why did the state of Louisiana establish the convict lease system? To earn money and to help control freedmen.
Which best explains the convict lease system? leasing prisoners to private businesses
Which explains the dangers of the convict lease system? Convicts were physically abused, neglected, and frequently died.
Which form of transportation was segregated based on the Separate Car Act? Streetcars
Which viewpoint is expressed in this cartoon? Jim Crow laws provide separation but not equality.
Other than African Americans, which group suffered prejudicial treatment during the late 1800s? Italians
What measures were added to the Constitution of 1898 to further limit the voting rights of African Americans and poor whites? Literacy tests, poll taxes, grandfather clause and property requirements.
What was the grandfather clause? It gave a person the right to vote if their father or grandfather had been a voter before 1867.
How did the adoption of a grandfather clause affect voters in Louisiana? What was it? It successfully disfranchised the majority of African American voters. It gave a person the right to vote if their father or grandfather had been a voter before 1867.
Which describes an economic effect of sharecropping? Farmers were caught in a debt peonage cycle while planters profited.
What is a labor union? An organized group advocating for employees’ rights
Which factors led to the founding and settlement of Vinton, Louisiana? Its geography and climate made it perfect for growing rice.
How did Seaman A. Knapp boost Louisiana’s economy? He shared his methods for successful rice farming.
In what way were Farmers’ Alliances similar to labor unions? They used the power of group organizing to advocate for better conditions for those working on the land.
What is suffrage? The right to vote
Which Amendment gave women the right to vote in 1920? The 19th Amendment
Louisiana is credited with the birth of which genre of music? Jazz