Sexual health after spinal cord injury: A longitudinal study


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Presentation transcript:

Sexual health after spinal cord injury: A longitudinal study Thomas L. Fisher, PhD, Prakash W. Laud, PhD, Margaret G. Byfield, PhD, Traci T. Brown, MS, CRC, CDMS, Matthew J. Hayat, MS, Irma G. Fiedler, PhD  Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  Volume 83, Issue 8, Pages 1043-1051 (August 2002) DOI: 10.1053/apmr.2002.33654 Copyright © 2002 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Terms and Conditions

Fig. 1 Top-ranked sexual concerns by time after SCI. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2002 83, 1043-1051DOI: (10.1053/apmr.2002.33654) Copyright © 2002 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Terms and Conditions

Fig. 2 Group frequencies: sexual activity by time after SCI. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2002 83, 1043-1051DOI: (10.1053/apmr.2002.33654) Copyright © 2002 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Terms and Conditions

Fig. 3 Group frequencies: sexual interest by time after SCI. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2002 83, 1043-1051DOI: (10.1053/apmr.2002.33654) Copyright © 2002 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Terms and Conditions

Fig. 4 Group frequencies: partner factors by time after SCI. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2002 83, 1043-1051DOI: (10.1053/apmr.2002.33654) Copyright © 2002 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Terms and Conditions

Fig. 5 Group frequencies: readiness by time after SCI. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2002 83, 1043-1051DOI: (10.1053/apmr.2002.33654) Copyright © 2002 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Terms and Conditions