A High Embedding Capacity Approach to Adaptive Steganography Digital Information Management, 2006 1st International Conference on 6-6 Dec. 2006 Page(s): 525-530 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ICDIM.2007.369246 N Santosh Arjun, Student Member, IEEE Dept of Electronics& Communication Engg Osmania University College of Engineering Hyderabad, India-5007 Atul Negi, Senior Member, IEEE Dept of Computer & Information Sciences University of Hyderabad Hyderabad, India-500 046 Reporter:趙旻玥
OUTLINE 1 Introduction 2 A novel approach to Adaptive Steganography using filtering 3 Adaptive embedding based on pixel magnitude in filtered image and local features of an cover image 4 Experimentation and discussions 5 Conclusions
1 Introduction Adaptive Steganography: natural variations in the pixel intensities New Method: uses both global and local image features allows for a high embedding capacity and enhanced security S=f(C,S,K)
2 A novel approach to Adaptive Steganography using filtering 2.2 Example application of algorithm 2.1 Algorithm Step1: Step2: Step3: Step4: Step5: Step6:
3 Adaptive embedding based on pixel magnitude in filtered image and local features of an cover image
4 Experimentation and discussions 5.2 Comparison of Embedding Rate 5.1 Effect of cut-off frequency on information hiding capacity 5.3 Resistance to steganalysis methods
5 Conclusions Control the embedding rate using a filtering cutoff frequency. Use both global and local features of an image. Overall higher embedding capacity and resistance to steganalysis.