“The Coming of Beowulf” Key Details/Unknown Words
Lines 104-124 “living sorrow” (personification in line 104) “bravest and best” (alliteration in line 121) Qualities of the epic hero (values strength, leadership, wisdom, bravery, and a willingness to help others) Advantage – Beowulf knows how to navigate the sea.
Lines 125-143 “shining ship” (alliteration in line 129) “The ship foamed through the sea like a bird.” (simile for movement) Imagery of the sea and their travel “Sparkling hills, high and green/Jutting over the shore,” (136-137) “mail shirt” – kenning for __________
Lines 144-171 “sea-road” (kenning for sea in line 153) “Hrothgar’s lieutenant” (kenning for Hrothgar’s watchman/soldier in line 148) Value of family lineage: “Tell me your name and your father’s”
Lines 172-198a “end the evils” (assonance in line 193) “Herot . . . high on your hills” (alliteration in line 198) Values of a warrior – military skill, leadership, wisdom, family heritage
Lines 198b-227 Imagery – the gold helmets of Beowulf’s men mirror the gold roof of Herot (both are the best of the best)
Lines 229-264a “. . . As they marched,/Erect like sentinels . . .” (simile in lines 217) Beowulf’s boast beginning in line 237 gives him credibility/confidence in Hrothgar’s eyes. Beowulf feels that it would be less honorable to use a sword and hide behind a shield.
Lines 264b-284 “ . . .death’s cold grip” (personification in line 270) “Fate will unwind as it must.” (God is in control.) Heroic traits of Beowulf – larger than life, exudes self-confidence, strength, honorable has a history of victory