Roof design Bunker Project CDR Dawid Patrzalek Mechanical Design Engineer 28 April, 2019
Agenda Blocks construction Blocks pinning strategy Installation strategy Dilatation joints Monolith skirt shield wall interface Statistics
Blocks construction – new design overview Since the IR held in June 2017, significant progress has been achieved: Roof’s design has been optimized Detail design of the roof has been finished Key detail drawings have been done All required documentation has been written Design wise, the roof is finished and ready for manufacturing.
Blocks construction – new design overview Level Layer In total: 31 slabs (50 mm each) 7 layers 3 levels Slab Roof layering Layer no. Material Thickness [mm] 1 Borated HDPE 100 2 Steel 50 3 HDPE 200 4 450 5 400 6 250 7 Total thickness of the roof 1550 Hook clearance Description Value [mm] Distance from TCS to the hook 6000 Distance from TCS to the roof 1700 Roof thickness 1550 Roof slabs flatness imperfections 85 Roof blocks spreader bar height 1200 Hook clearance left 1465
Blocks construction – assembly Steel slabs welded together on the edges Borated HDPE slabs supported by the pin assemblies Pin assemblies bolted from top to the steel slab Lifting pockets integrated into the steel slabs Frame’s pins welded to the steel slabs Hole–slot solution ensures isostatic design M42 threaded connection Lifting pockets M42 nut and washer Fillet weld Butt welds (8x500 mm) Pin assembly M36 bolt
Blocks – hand and FEA calculations Both hand and FEA calculations have been performed: Welds calculations, Bolt connections calculations, Deformation of the steel and HDPE slabs All of the calculations have been performed for the worst-case scenario block in hanging position, in accordance with SS-EN 13155. For full calculations report, please refer to ESS-0060987.
Blocks pinning – design overview It is mandatory to pin all of the blocks together across all of the levels, due to H4 seismic event. Rounded shape pin creates a point contact with the hole, what mitigates jamming possibility during the blocks installation. 1st level blocks to frame pinning: Ø60 mm hole, Ø58.1 mm pin From R6.2 m to R9 m – two pins and two M36 bolts per block Outwards of R9 m – two pins per block R6.2 m box beam M36x580 mm bolt Pin Rounded shape pin
Blocks pinning – design overview 1st to 2nd, 2nd to 3rd level pinning Ø37.5 mm hole or slot, Ø35.6 mm pin Two pins per block Hole–slot connection provides isostatic connection Hole Slot
Blocks pinning – installation clearance gaps Position deviation of the blocks after the installation can be calculated in accordance with ISO 9013 (Tolerances for thermal cutting) and ISO 2768 (Tolerances for linear and angular dimensions). 20 mm clearance gap in 2nd level Level no. Min. clearance gap [mm] Clearance gap [mm] 1 14.6 15 2 19.0 20 3 23.5 25
Blocks installation - strategy Thanks to the pins, which provide good position accuracy of the blocks, none specific pattern, nor strategy is required during an installation of the blocks, although: Blocks are not interchangeable Blocks have to be installed level by level (lower levels have to be installed first) In order to avoid mistakes during an installation, each block will be marked (painted labels on two sides and on top of each block), e.g. Block NW 2.1.3 stands for: North-West Sector Second level First row Third block For more detailed installation and labelling instruction, please refer to ESS-0191258. NW 2.1.3 SE 2.2.1
Blocks installation – cranes coverage areas Each block of the roof has been designed in order to be reachable by the Monolith, or by the Experimental Hall crane. Experimental Hall crane coverage area Cranes crossover (load interchange) area Monolith crane coverage area Third level block and its CoG
Blocks installation – access cases The table presents illustrative access cases, as each one can be fully customized. Location Number of required lifts W6 (MAGIC), R6.2-R28 41 N8-N9, R6.2-R15 27 N8-N9, R6.2-R9 12 N8, R9-R11.5 11 N8, R6.2-R9 6
An access case example - LOKI A full, 6° access to LOKI (N7 beam line) requires 16 lifts:
Dilatation joints – the newest design overview The dilatation joints must assure 65 mm clearance between D02 and D01/D03, in order to compensate big movements during a H4 seismic event: Dilatation joints are integrated in all three levels Burstable cans inside the joints are integrated First level dilatation joint
Dilatation joints - cans Conventional dilatation joints of 65 mm create too big streaming path – additional measures are mandatory. Convectional dilatation joints of 65 mm
Dilatation joints - cans Design of the cans provided by Senad Kudumovic! The cans can burst and squeeze up to 65 mm. Thank to the cans, the dilatation joints have been artificially reduced by 40 mm. 80 mm width can, Zinc bromide filled Dilatation joints of 105 mm
Monolith skirt shield wall interface The roof cannot impact the monolith during an installation and during a H4 seismic event. Larger than usual clearance gap of 75 mm between the monolith and the roof has been integrated. 75 mm clearance 25 mm clearance 20 mm clearance Monolith skirt shield wall R6.2 m box beam
Statistics Statistics: In general: Blocks specific: Total roof’s mass – 4529 t Steel – 4010 t HDPE – 519 t In general: Total quantity of the parts – 9176 Quantity of the unique parts – 800 Blocks specific: Total quantity of the slabs – 4869 Quantity of the unique slabs – 753 Total quantity of the blocs – 443 Quantity of the unique blocks – 208
Questions and ideas Any questions or ideas?