What have you done during your Mobility? Name: Akmal Bekchanov Mobility level: Master Duration: 19 Host university: University of Hohenheim Home university: Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration What have you done during your Mobility? During my stay at University of Hohenheim, I got a huge experience and knowledge. I attended a lot of subjects and many of them were completely new for me. So I can say, that all of them were very informative. I will do my best to develop the knowledge further which I got during these years. What did this experience mean to you (academically, personally, profesionaly, etc)? My stay and new relations with new people, helped me to broaden my views of world. Now I know, that I have to work a lot to improve my knowledge and I know that, with the experience which I got here will help my to overcome all the difficulties related to this. How would you describe the impact of your mobility at your home country? All the gained knowledge and experience I will use to develop the education system in my home country. The system which in Germany, is very well constructed and I believe that, if we can implement this to my home country, it will increase the level of education in all fields Find a phrase that would describe your experience: Everything depends on me.