WP 5 - Outreach.


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Presentation transcript:

WP 5 - Outreach

WP 5 Outreach – technical info 5 Tasks, 5 Deliverables Networking with other communities PT: Marisa Borges; BE & DE Science with and for Society in other parts of H2020 PT: Marisa Borges; IT & CZ (2 deliverables  ) Networking with other NCP networks BE: Pascale Van Dinter; CY (3 deliverables  ) External group for Science with and for Society dialogue ES: Rocio Castrillo & Mar Mesas; EE Showcasing Science with and for Society reference projects DE: Randi Wallmichrath; SE

5.1 Networking with other communities What happened last What will happen next What‘s the benefit? Being present at the next ECSITE conference & identifying further conference opportunities Connecting with SwafS stakeholders, Informing them about SwafS, getting more visibility in the SwafS community!

5.2 Science with and for Society in other parts of H2020 What happened last What will happen next What‘s the benefit? Update with new 2017 topics & new opportunities e-book for WP 2018-2020 Easy access for SwafS proposers / NCPs to all topics with a SwafS dimension in complete Horizon 2020!

5.3 Networking with other NCP networks What happened last What will happen next Next newsletter about gender equality in May 2017 & having the NCP network RICH at the next network meeting What‘s the benefit? Connecting with NCP networks, strengthen their knowledge about SwafS, mutual learning!

5.4 External group for Science with and for Society dialogue What happened last What will happen next What‘s the benefit? Possibly another expert group meeting for preparing a contribution to the consultation on FP9 Connecting to key stakeholder, benefitting from their expertise, having a louder voice!

5.5 Showcasing Science with and for Society reference projects What happened last What will happen next What‘s the benefit? Working on the 5th story Promoting the SwafS programme, its projects, impact, results! http://www.sisnetwork.eu/about/success-stories/

Thank you for your attention ☺ More to come ...