Thurston Middle School: Amy Cochren: Thurston GATE coordinator
Property tax funded school district High percentage of proficient and advanced students Generosity of School Power and PTA Small district and class sizes Advanced curriculum and opportunities
Consistency of staff Whole-child approach Investment in professional development Investment in our students 21 st century needs District and School Board focused on excellent education for all
Generous grants and support allow students and teachers to have the best. We are able to continue to grow and wish while surrounding schools are making funding choices.
Classroom sets of computers (4-6) Teacher requests Funding for Track and Field Day, Renaissance Day, Science Camp, Oral History Luncheon, etc Mandarin Chinese after-school program Foreign Language promotion Zero period opportunity
Student Choice Development of Interests Promotion of Strengths Development of Weaknesses: find a challenge area whether it is in work ethic, communication, responsibility, involvement on campus, leadership, etc
Rotation of six classes Opportunity of zero period Choice of electives Offering of academic competitions Availability of leadership groups (PALs, ASB) Choice of clubs Grouping in clusters
science social studies math language arts physical education elective zero period = extra elective
Math and Language Arts Opportunity to work with other gifted students and gifted and talented teachers Differentiation in teaching and learning strategies
Recognize and nurture behaviors of gifted Create conditions in which all students are stretched to learn Provide grouping opportunities for gifted students to work within clusters Are flexible in their teaching style and comfortable in allowing kids more flexibility in their learning behaviors
Techniques in Questioning Strategies of Assessment Tiered Assignment Options Compacting of Curriculum Facilitation of Leadership Characteristics of Gifted
Have a strong sense of justice Possess strong problem-solving abilities Display a keen sense of humor Demonstrate more intense emotional or physical sensitivity Learn rapidly without repetition
Possess a large store of information about a variety of subjects Desire to question authority Develop more of a global awareness Are passionate in their interest areas Insatiable curiosity
Acceleration Depth Novelty Complexity
I was offered choices for a project or assessment. I was placed in tiered-grouping in order to work on a more complex concept. I was encouraged to work toward more advanced standards.
My teacher varied his/her questioning strategies because I was in a GATE cluster. My class spent more time on an advanced concept than a non- GATE class.
experience physical growth and intellectual growth but brain development continues into the 20s focus increases on peer acceptance of how they see themselves want more control in their choices but benefit in earning that
Sixth Grade: Ms. C to meet with students at an ESP in November; language arts teacher to collect ILP Seventh Grade: Ms. C to meet with students Eighth Grade: language arts or math teachers available; end of the year with counselors Dont be afraid to communicate with us if your child needs a more thorough plan!
Promotion of a solid foundation in grammar, reading comprehension, literary analysis, and writing applications Focus on depth and acceleration with Above and Beyond challenges Differentiated choice in independent reading and writing objectives
Spelling Bee Club Mythology Club Vocabulary Club
Sixth Grade Wheel Physical Education Foreign Language Drama Multi-Media Year Book Leadership Art Choir and Instrumental Music Home Economics
Summer testing Pre-Algebra Algebra Geometry Cluster grouping
Spanish Club French Club Geography Club Science Olympiad Club Spelling Bee Club SAT Vocabulary Club Mythology Club Math Club
Weightlifting Club Running Club Buddy Club Broadway Club * A club can be created by a parent with a teacher sponsorship!
Sixth grade students will attend an ESP meeting in November. We will goal set and discuss opportunities. Students will receive an ILP form to bring home. Ms. Schaeffer or I will conference with students when the ILP is returned.
Seventh grade students will meet with me during language arts class. We will goal set, and students will receive the ILP to bring home. I will conference with seventh grade students that return the ILP. (optional return)
Eighth grade students will meet with Ms. Silver during language arts class. They will goal set, and students will receive the ILP to bring home. She will conference with those students who return the ILP form. (optional return)
What is it? Support organization for parents of gifted Resources? Suggested reading; Quarterly publication ; workshops ; annual teacher and parent convention
A club you might like to sponsor? An after school activity? A field trip? We have hosted workshops and trips, but attendance is difficult due to busy schedules!
Principals weekly update School website Teacher blogs Aeries online grades School calendar GATE blog Newsletters: fall and spring