My spectrum of speaking inconsistencies ACTIVITY C. YOUR WRITING PROMPTS PAGE 182-183
Event: What happened? Is there a difference between how you speak at home and at school? Have you ever met new people and forgotten how to speak? Does this happen with people you know? Do you have to develop a mental template in your mind of how to speak in each situation? If you have not had enough preparation does this cause variation in your speaking ability?
Reason: Why does my speaking ability change? Does it depend on the people you are with? What about when you feel confident or lack confidence about what you have to speak about? Are presentations something that cause inconsistent levels of speaking ability? Is there always a reason or do you just change as part of your personality? Is this something you can control? Do your moods affect your ability to speak? Do sensory things reduce your speaking capacity? How do you find speaking to people your own age compared to someone younger or older? Is it harder to speak to your peers? If so, why?
Meaning: What does this mean for me? Has it ever meant you were left out of something? Is it difficult to commit to things if you are not sure that you will be able to speak as expected? Are you afraid of being caught out in a situation/conversation that you can’t escape from? What kind of situation bothers you most? Does it make you feel bad about yourself or are you ok with who you are?
Effect: How do other people react? Are some people accepting of you no matter how you act? Can they understand why your speaking skills might change? Do they give you the chance to just be yourself all the time? Is there a certain point when they are not accepting? How would they react towards you then? Do you find that there a difference between how your peers react and someone younger or older? Which is easiest to cope with?
Strategies: How can I deal with speaking inconsistencies? Would it help to monitor speaking inconsistency triggers to try and predict when they might happen to avoid the situation or deal with it better? Are journals/creative writing activities helpful ways of finding out about yourself? Would you feel comfortable sharing this with someone else to get a different opinion and deeper insight into what is going on? Do you think this could help to strengthen relationship bonds if people fully understood what is going on?