NHS Meeting: September 20th, 2018 We love Alexis’s PPT!!
COLOR RUN Thank you to everyone who participated and volunteered! Raised $1000 for Media Center! Raised $1463 for NHS !! DUE BY 10/1: Make thank you notes for donors and runners! Pick up Envelopes/Letters before you go!
Weiss created the weebly to eliminate constant questions... USE Weebly: lakeshorenhs.weebly.com Weiss created the weebly to eliminate constant questions...
FOLLOW THE NEW NHS TWITTER @ShoreNhs Turn on post notifications!
Induction New Inductees announced on October 8th Induction Rehearsal & INDUCTION on October 24th MANDATORY rehearsal after early release (1:30 pm Auditorium) Induction 7:00 pm Auditorium
Tutoring EVERYONE is required to tutor twice per trimester 1.5 hour credit per session SIGN up via links found on our weebly/remind/or: TUESDAY DATES: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508054cacad2aa75-tuesday1 WEDNESDAY DATES: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508054cacad2aa75- wednesday1
MOVIE NIGHT for Breast Cancer! October 20th We need Suggestions! - Double Feature - 7:00 pm-animated & 9:00 pm spooky (PG13) - Text ideas to NHS Remind today & vote via twitter poll later this week
UPCOMING DATES 9.28 10.01 10.08 10.18 10.20 10.24 Any appeals meetings Faculty Council tabulations/ deliberations to Weiss MANDATORY Induction Rehearsal & Induction NEXT MEETING 9.28 10.01 10.08 10.18 10.20 10.24 Decision Letters dispersed to all considered Submit Robe Orders via Google Form Movie Night