3rd Asphalt Shingle Recycling Forum Opening Plenary Business Perspective Tom Shanahan, moderator National Roofing Contractors Association
Panel Tom Shanahan, CAE, NRCA Associate Executive Director, Risk Management and Education Vince Brulinski, GAF Husnu Kalkanoglu, Certainteed
NRCA Demographics ~3,200 roofing contractor members ~30-40,000 roofing contractors according to BLS NRCA represents ~10% of roofing contracting businesses who generate ~70% of the $31B commercial sales and ~ 50% of the residential industry ~10% do solely residential ~80% do a combination of residential and commercial ~10% do solely commercial Most of the ~90% who are not members are small residential roofing contractors
Two groups Professional Residential Roofing Contractor Has insurance Likely affiliation with a manufacturer(s) as an approved applicator Licensed, if state requires Possibly member of local association, e.g., local roofing association, NAHB Many are multi-generational companies
Two Groups “Jobber” Sometimes referred to ‘underground’ No insurance No license Operates “out of the truck” Sole proprietor, if registered Low-cost provider
Likely to recycle NRCA member Professional residential contractor
Impediments “It’s just not easy or cost-effective to do…” Ease of disposal Is there a recycling facility within reasonable distance of jobs? Exceptional situation where one is nearby Fuel prices at all time high Tipping fees? Some report higher tipping fees Facility requiring relatively “clean” tear off
Encouragement Homeowners continue to inquire about recycling Some areas reporting positive improvement over the last few years WI, OR, SC, NC
NRCA can help Promote recycling supply chain in areas where it’s available Encourage recycling efforts in legislative arenas Partner with manufacturers, recyclers and others to affect improvement in waste stream
Manufacturer Viewpoint