אַל תַּעַשֹ תְּפִילָתְךָ קֶבַע Adina Broder
I can’t wait to go play baseball Chazal tell us: Don’t make your davening a mechanical routine I can’t wait to go play baseball סדור עלינו...
We shouldn’t say the words of our tefilot without thinking about what they mean
We should remember that Davening is our time to speak to the Master of the World To thank Him for everything He does for us To ask Him for things that we need or want
If someone thanked you but didn’t seem to mean it… Thanks for that… uh… you know… that thing that you did…whatever…
Would you feel appreciated? Thanks for that… uh… you know… that thing that you did…whatever… Is she thanking me? Does she even remember what I did for her?
but didn’t seem to care about it… If someone asked you for something, but didn’t seem to care about it… Could you do me a favor? I’ll tell you about it some other time.– I want to go talk to my friends now.
Why should I bother doing it if she doesn’t really care about it? Would you want to do what she asked? Why should I bother doing it if she doesn’t really care about it? Could you do me a favor? I’ll tell you about it some other time – I want to go talk to my friends now.
How can we expect Hashem to listen to our Tefilot If we act like we don’t care about what we’re davening for?
We should think about the words of our davening like we mean them and say them
אַל תַּעַשֹ תְּפִילָתְךָ קֶבַע Don’t make your davening a mechanical routine