Pumpkin Pickin’ Workout Challenge How to Play: Print this sheet and cut each exercise out in a strip. Fold and place in a plastic pumpkin. Set a timer to 13 minutes and pick from the pumpkin. See how many exercises you can get through with vert little rest until the timer goes off! Do every day until Halloween. Post your pictures doing or completing the challenge! Who is brave enough to rock the workout on the 31st in costume? 5 Star Jumps (or non-jumping alternate) 24 High Knees (12/each side) 15 each side Side Plank Hip Touch 20 Crunch Twist & Reach 30 Suck in and Twist 40 Mountain Climbers 30 Russian Twists 10 burpees with pushups 30 Crunch Clap 40 Squat Walks 30 strides - walking lunge 30 Glute Bridges 20 Push-Ups 30 Plank Hold Shoulder Taps 10 each side Plank Knee to elbow 10 Walk Down Push Ups 40 curtsey lunges (20 each leg) 20 Plank Jacks