Oral Treatment Strategies in CLL
First-Line Treatment of CLL
Phase 3 iLLUMINATE Study Ibrutinib + Obinutuzumab vs Chlorambucil + Obinutuzumab
Ibrutinib Alone or in Combination With Rituximab vs Bendamustine + Rituximab
Ibrutinib + Rituxumab vs FCR
iFCG for First-Line Treatment of CLL Study Design
iFCG for First-Line Treatment of CLL Study Results
Phase 2 Study of Ibrutinib + Venetoclax in High-Risk Patients
PCYC-1102 Phase 1b/2 Study 7 Years of Follow-Up of Single-Agent Ibrutinib
ACE-CL-001: Phase 1/2 Study of Acalabrutinib
Relapsed/Refractory CLL
Durability of Responses After Drug Cessation of Venetoclax and Rituximab
Phase 3 MURANO Study of VenR vs BR Long-Term Follow-Up
Phase 3 MURANO Study Analysis of PB MRD
Genetic Mutations Associated With Resistance to Venetoclax and Ibrutinib
CLARITY Study of Ibrutinib + Venetoclax PB and BM MRD
Phase 2 Study of Combination Obinutuzumab, Ibrutinib, and Venetoclax in CLL
Durable Remissions after Treatment Discontinuation in CLL With del(17p)/TP53 Mutations
Anti-CD19 CAR T Cells in Combination With Ibrutinib for the Treatment of CLL
Phase 2 Study of Nivolumab + Ibrutinib in RT
CLL14 Study Design
Concluding Remarks
Abbreviations (cont)
Abbreviations (cont)