LCLS User Access Policy


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Presentation transcript:

LCLS User Access Policy Principles Scientific thrust areas - Instrument Teams Tentative operation plan for LCLS and the instruments Proposal evaluation process First experiments in FY2009 Realization of externally funded additional instrumentation Jochen R. Schneider Visiting Professor of Photon Science at SLAC

Principles It is the goal of the LCLS program to attract a large number of diverse users and to enable a broad set of important experiments that take advantage of the unique capabilities of the LCLS. In LCLS steady-state operation 75% of the time available for photon science experiments will be general user time and will be assigned following the LCLS proposal selection procedure, based upon the scientific quality of the proposals as judged by peer review. The remaining 25% of the photon science beam time may be allocated for in-house research, instrument maintenance and a Director’s Reserve.

Scientific thrust areas - Instrument Teams Based on the letters of intend received from the breadth of the scientific community LCLS SAC recommended that LCLS instruments be designed to enable scientific research in six thrust areas: Atomic, molecular and optical science (AMO) Coherent scattering of nano-scale fluctuations (XCS) Diffraction studies of stimulated dynamics (XPP) Coherent imaging of non-periodic objects (CXI) High energy density science (HED) Investigation of materials with soft X-rays (SXR) Instrument Teams will be given up to 50% of the beam time during instrument start-up phase. All access will be through the LCLS proposal review process.

The role of Instrument Teams The authors of the original Letters of Intent were assigned to the six thrust areas forming the initial Instrument Teams. After consultation with the SAC, Team Leaders and Co-Team Leaders were appointed by LCLS management. They act as the points of contact between the team members and the LCLS instrument scientists and management. The Team and Co-Team Leaders have helped to define the layout of the AMO and LUSI instruments. They have helped to promote and define the science in the thrust areas. They have made an effort to interest new people in LCLS science and to incorporate them into the teams. They will stimulate the formation of collaborations including all the know-how necessary for successfully performing a certain class of experiments. In recognition of their early support of LCLS and valuable contributions to the design process, the instrument teams will be given priority access to LCLS during the initial period of operation of each instrument. Priority will always be given to the highest-rated proposals. However, in cases of equal ranking, proposals from the instrument teams will be given priority.

Instrument Team- and Co-Team-Leader AMO (instrument scientist: John Bozek) L. DiMauro (OSU, leader) N. Berrah (WMU) XPP (Instrument scientist: David Fritz) K. Gaffney (SLAC, leader) D. Reis (Stanford) T. Tschentscher (DESY) J. Larsson (Lund Inst Tech) CXI (Instrument scientist: Sebastien Boutet) J. Hajdu (SLAC + Uppsala U, leader) H. Chapman (CFEL-DESY) J. Miao (UCLA) XCS (Instrument scientist: Aymeric Robert) B. Stephenson (ANL, leader) K. Ludwig (Boston U) G. Grübel, DESY

Tentative operation plan for LCLS and instruments 5,000 4,000 500 - 1,000 Photon science experiments 900 1,300 1,000 Machine studies photons 2,500 Machine studies electrons 2,100 2,200 4,300 Maintenance 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 06-12 06-11 XCS 01-12 01-11 CXI 06-10 XPP 09-11 09-09 AMO Start of steady state operation Start of commissioning and early operation LCLS Tentative operation scheme of DOE funded LCLS instruments Tentative operation plan for LCLS [hours per fiscal year] Early operations phase: achieving FEL performance baseline goals as soon as possible commissioning the first experiments producing high-impact early science achieving a rapid and orderly transition to a general user program Steady-state operation With this perspective LCLS invites the community to submit proposals for experiments with soft X-rays and especially in the field of atom, molecular and optical science (deadline for submission: September 1, 2008).

Proposal evaluation process In order to facilitate the best science at LCLS, all access will be through the LCLS proposal review process, and priority will always be given to the highest-rated proposals. After consultation with the SAC, the LCLS management will invite scientists from outside SLAC and two representatives of LCLS management to serve on the LCLS Proposal Review Panel (PRP). The PRP will review all proposals for experiments at LCLS and rank each on a five-point scale from 1 down to 5, and explain the ranking in a written statement to the applicants. The PRP will meet twice a year. Calls for proposals will be publicized six months before the PRP meeting date with a deadline for submission three months before the PRP meeting.

LCLS proposal preparation workshops Because of the high expectations in early science from LCLS and because of the very significant differences in performing experiments at LCLS compared to work at synchrotron radiation facilities and laboratory-based lasers, LCLS offers two proposal preparation workshops: LCLS workshop on AMO and soft X-ray experiments June 2 - 3, 2008 LCLS workshop on experiments with hard X-rays June 20 - 21, 2008 At these workshops the status of the LCLS facility will be presented with emphasis on expected beam properties and performance of the instruments available, as well as on the needs for instrument commissioning. The hope is that these workshops will support the preparation of the best proposals for early science at LCLS and stimulate the formation of collaborations among participants with similar scientific goals.

Templates for proposal submission LCLS management will make available templates for the submission of proposals putting emphasis on: the scientific case reasons for doing the experiment at LCLS reports of results from earlier relevant experiments technical feasibility of the experiment description of the technical capability of the proposing group: recent publications in the corresponding field of research availability of group members for preparation of the experiment and during the measurement campaign know-how for data analysis potential hazards Proposal submission will be done electronically.

LCLS proposal preparation workshop for AMO and other soft X-ray experiments Agenda Monday, June 2, 2008 08:30 – 09:30 Status of LCLS, beamlines and instruments 09:30 – 11:00 AMO instrument and its science drivers (J. Bozek, LCLS) 11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break 11:30 – 12:30 Update on planed instrument for Soft X-ray Research (SXR) (P. Heiman, ALS) 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch 13:30 – 14:30 Update from the AMO Instrument Team (L. Di Mauro (OSU) and N. Berrah (WMU) 14:30 – 15:30 LCLS access policy, proposal submission process (J.R. Schneider, LCLS) 15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break 16:00 – 18:00 Visit to LCLS 19:00 Dinner in the SLAC Cafeteria

LCLS proposal preparation workshop for AMO and other soft X-ray experiments Tuesday, June 3, 2008 08:30 – 10:30 Experience from experiments at SPPS, FLASH and high power laboratory based lasers[1] High power laser applications (T. Ditmire) Pump-probe experiments (D. Fritz, LCLS) Reaction microscope and EBIT applications (J. Ullrich, MPI Heidelberg) Photoemission experiments (A. Foehlich, University of Hamburg) Absorption spectroscopy ( Y. Acremann, SSRL-PULSE) 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 – 12:30 Open slot for short presentation of research projects of individual investigators or collaborations 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch 13:30 – 15:00 Discussion organized by Team Leaders of AMO Instrument Team (L. Di Mauro and N. Berrah) 15:00 End of meeting [1] Speakers concentrate on explaining the technical aspects of the experiments with the goal to make the audience aware of the difference in doing experiments at storage ring facility or laboratory based lasers

Time-Line for First Experiments in FY2009 PRP Meeting AMO/SXR Proposal Deadline First Operations schedule set FEL optimization-800 eV Start First Experiments AMO SXR Workshop PRP Established CD-4 (7/31/2010) now J F M A S D O N 2008 2009 2010 Down PPS Operating Schedule To be determined FY2009 Operations

Externally funded additional instrumentation For instrumentation that offers a significant addition of general utility to LCLS, the LCLS management may enter into an agreement with an outside group, specifying the way in which this instrumentation will be deployed at LCLS so as to benefit the general user community, and the time period for which this instrumentation will be available at LCLS. Groups contributing funds, equipment and/or personnel to the construction of new instrumentation can expect to receive a fraction of beam time on the new instrument during a specified time period. High energy density science (HED) Investigation of materials with soft X-rays (SXR)

Realization of externally funded instruments The external collaboration intending to build new instrumentation must get the support of LCLS management, before negotiations with funding agencies are started. The LCLS commitment will generally be given for a specific period of time, and will be reviewed on a six-month basis. The discussions between LCLS and the collaboration should include: Evaluation of the scientific potential by the LCLS SAC Submission of a Technical Design Report (TDR) to LCLS management Evaluation of the TDR by the SAC and additional experts in consultation with LCLS. The review will include feasibility of the program, staffing availability, general user access to instrumentation, permanence of the instrumentation or facility, data acquisition interface issues, etc. Analysis of impact on beam time Negotiation between the collaboration and the funding agencies, involving representatives of LCLS/SLAC management.

Realization of externally funded instruments After securing funding the collaboration, together with LCLS instrument scientists and management, will work out the final layout of the instrumentation and the timeline for construction, commissioning and early operation. In addition, the LCLS involvement in construction oversight will be defined. The negotiations will conclude with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding by the spokesperson of the collaboration, the collaborating institutions, and the LCLS/SLAC management