Debate on Climate Change and Water Water Directors’ meeting Slovenia 16-17 June 2008 Marieke van Nood, Unit D.2, DG Environment, European Commission.


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Presentation transcript:

Debate on Climate Change and Water Water Directors’ meeting Slovenia 16-17 June 2008 Marieke van Nood, Unit D.2, DG Environment, European Commission

Discussion Document WD Lisbon: request for a debate in Slovenia; A discussion document is prepared for this; Version 1 prepared by co-leads CIS activity - mainly based on existing documents; Version 2 included comments from SSG Climate Change and Water; Version 3 includes comments from SCG - no open points identified. Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Integration with other policies WFD and objective setting Discussion Document General remarks EU water legislation Integration with other policies WFD and objective setting Adaptation in first RBMP Adaptation in 2nd and 3rd cycle Science – policy link Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Results from Article 5 Among the list of pressures the Member States were asked to identify for the RBD was "Climate change". They had to classify on the basis of the importance of the pressure in the RBD and the results are the following: -No RBD classify CC as "Very important" -1 RBD classify as "Important" (Ems in NL) -11 RBD as "Less important" -8 RBD as "Not applicable" -The rest of RBD (95) as "Unknown". Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Request to Water Directors Discuss and agree the key messages in the document; Make the agreed document publicly available once endorsed; Request the SSG on Climate Change and Water to use the agreed document as a basis for the guidance that will be prepared by the SSG in 2009. Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Follow-up SSG will continue collecting best practices and approaches for a climate check of the first Programmes of Measures. A questionnaire was sent out to SSG and SCG members. Deadline for response is 1 July. Draft document with best practices will be presented to WD in November 2008. SSG will prepare document on incorporating CC in 2nd and 3rd cycles for end 2009. Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.