10-14-14 Complete the ser worksheet that you picked up as you entered. DO NOT WRITE ON MY WORKSHEET
Anuncios Tarea Tuesday – Memorize your 5 sentences you wrote in class Wednesday – memorize your 5 sentences from class & prepare to give your speech on Thursday! Thursday – project presentations are due MEMORIZED
Spanish Favorite Food Power Point Speech Due on October 15, 2014 Present in class on October 16-17, 2014
Task: Create a powerpoint that tells about your favorite foods Task: Create a powerpoint that tells about your favorite foods. Present this information to the class MEMORIZED.
Requirements Cover slide plus 10 additional slides 10 pictures of food that RELATE to the sentence you are saying 1 sentence about your food preferences per slide Your speech is memorized. You will not be able to look at the PowerPoint during your speech. Perfect spelling Perfect grammar
Not having your speech memorized will result in a 50% point deduction 4 3 2 1 Speech is memorized Speech is mostly memorized Speech is poorly memorized Speech is not memorized 10 slides with pictures are present 8 slides with pictures are present 6 slides with pictures are present 5 slides with pictures are present 4 or less slides with pictures are present Less than 2 grammar and spelling errors Less than 5 grammar and spelling errors Less than 8 grammar and spelling errors Less than 10 grammar and spelling errors Less than 12 grammar and spelling errors more than 12 grammar and spelling errors
How to turn in your project: Go to www.dropbox.com Login as lyellis@pikecountyschools.com Password bulldogs Click the Plus button on the right top and upload your PPT.
VIP: save your PPT in gaggle as you work on it VIP: save your PPT in gaggle as you work on it. Only turn it in to the DROPBOX when you are done! Show how to do this on Mrs. Ellis’s gaggle
Due today: 5 slides & sentences This is for a daily grade NOT a stamp!
Lab Rules Walk in a line. Don’t talk in the halls. Do not get on ANY other site other than PPT, google images, and gaggle. Do not talk or play around.