Faculty Research Awards Deadline: January 11, 2019 at 5pm
Funding Goals Support faculty research activities across all disciplines Examples of eligible projects Book projects Performances in major national or international venues Creative work for exhibition Research to obtain pilot data, demonstrate feasibility of an approach/method, contribute to prototype development Travel to conduct fieldwork or research at archives/special collections List of prior awardees and their project title on RDS website
Eligible Applicants Faculty from all disciplines Assistant, Associate and Full Professors NTTF with 1.0 FTE and research responsibilities who have been employed by UO for 3 years and will hold appointment AY 2019-2020 Note: 1 application per faculty per cycle
Ineligible Applicants Emeritus, Courtesy, Visiting, and Adjunct Faculty Recipients from last 3 years Those who have not filed final reports from prior award
Scope of Award Maximum of $5,500 12 month project period, 7/1/19-6/30/20 Final report due 7/30/2020
Budget: Allowable Expenses Travel Equipment Supplies Contractual services Core/shared facility use Graduate or undergraduate student effort Summer stipend (subject to OPE)
Budget: Unallowable Costs Replacement or funding of faculty salary Stipend during the academic year Instructional release Construction or facility renovation Curriculum or career development
Application Components Completed application form Statement of work (3 pages) Line item budget & justification (1 page) Curriculum Vitae (2 pages) Relevant attachments List of prior institutional support (including start-up funds) from past 5 years Letters re: matching support (if applicable) Formatting: Times New Roman 11pt; 1” margins
Statement of Work Project description Timeline & Milestones Expected outcomes Expected future research, scholarship, or creative work that will result from this project
Review Process Initial review: compliance with guidelines Primary review: faculty committee appointed by the Faculty Senate Notification of awards in Spring 2019
Critical Information Deadline: 5pm, Monday, January 11, 2019 Review committee consists of faculty across disciplines; write for a sophisticated, scholarly audience, but not your disciplinary peers Develop strong argument for your project Reach out to RDS (rds@uoregon.edu) with questions