Right and left diaphragm recording in patient #5. Right and left diaphragm recording in patient #5. Recordings were obtained in patient #5 just after phrenic pace maker implantation with intramuscular electrode recordings. The top trace represents tracheal pressure, the second and the third traces represent right and left recordings of the diaphragmatic EMG (rDia and lDia, respectively) and the bottom trace represents abdominal displacements. a) The recordings were obtained under mechanical ventilation, the patient being asked to produce short (Hi) and long noises (Hiiiii). The diaphragmatic contraction documented by the increase in EMG intensity attests to the actual reinnervation with the inferior laryngeal nerve. b) Recordings obtained during a sniff manoeuvre with intramuscular electrode recordings. Eric Verin et al. ERJ Open Res 2017;3:00052-2017 ©2017 by European Respiratory Society