Cryomodule ESS FAT & SAT SRF meetinG on 07/11/2017


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Presentation transcript:

Cryomodule ESS FAT & SAT SRF meetinG on 07/11/2017 Thierry TRUBLET CEA Saclay/Irfu projet ESS

FAT (Factory Acceptance TestS) Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) at saclay before shipping to Lund (extract of our Cryomodule assembly specifications) Transport configuration checking The configuration is compliant with the specifications Interfaces control Cryomodule does not show any apparent damage. The instrumentation is correctly identified and the integrity of the cables has been verified (Tuner motor & piezos functioning control, cavity RF control and temperature sensors resistance control). The leakage rate of the vacuum vessel must not be greater than 3.10-8 mbar.l/s The cavity string vacuum level must not be greater than 1.10-6 mbar. The leakage rate of the cavity string must not be greater than 1. 10-10 mbar.l/s The leakage rate of the cavities and thermal shield Helium circuits must not be greater than 1. 10-10 mbar.l/s (external vacuum to the circuit and internal circuit under Helium pressure at 1.5 barg). The frequency of the fundamental mode of cavities must be : F0= XXX kHz +0/-130 kHz. The value XXX will be communicated later. CEA Saclay/Irfu projet ESS

FAT (Factory Acceptance TestS) Interfaces control (next) The beam vacuum valves are opened. The nitrogen flushing cycle of the vacuum vessel (before shipping) has been done. The alignment of the cavities is compliant to the specifications : ±2 mm longitudinally ±1 mm transversely Documentation control The Acceptance Data Package is completed and accepted by CEA. All non conformities are accepted by CEA. CEA Saclay/Irfu projet ESS

SAT (Site Acceptance Tests) Site Acceptance Tests (SAT) at Lund (extract of our Cryomodule assembly specifications) Transport configuration checking The configuration is compliant with the specifications The components delivered in boxes are compliant to the transport specifications (doorknob, valve actuators…).   Interfaces control Cryomodule does not show any apparent damage. The instrumentation is correctly identified and the integrity of the cables has been verified (Tuner motor & piezos functioning control, cavity RF control and temperature sensors resistance control). The leakage rate of the vacuum vessel must not be greater than 3.10-8 mbar.l/s The cavity string vacuum level must not be greater than 1.10-6 mbar. The frequency of the fundamental mode of cavities must be : F0= XXX kHz +0/-130 kHz. The value XXX will be communicated later. The beam vacuum valves are opened. CEA Saclay/Irfu projet ESS

SAT (Site Acceptance Tests) Interfaces control (next) The alignment of the cavities is compliant to the specifications : ±2 mm longitudinally ±1 mm transversely  Documentation control The Acceptance Data Package is completed and accepted by CEA and ESS. It is transferred to CHESS. All non conformities (even those detected at Lund) are accepted by CEA and ESS The SAT additional criteria for RF power tests at cryogenic temperature at Lund are the following : For the warm conditioning couplers of high RF power : 1.1 MW of RF power and at least up to the maximum value reached during the conditioning at Saclay. The vacuum level is below 1.10-6 mbar. The conditioning time of the 4 couplers is shorter than120h. CEA Saclay/Irfu projet ESS

SAT (Site Acceptance Tests) The SAT additional criteria for RF power tests at cryogenic temperature at Lund are the following (next) : For the RF power tests at cryogenic temperature : Conditioning up to 1.1 MW of RF power and at least up to the maximum value reached during the conditioning at Saclay. The vacuum level is below 1.10-6 mbar. The external quality factor is between 5,9.105 and 8.105 for the Medium beta Cryomodules and between 5,6.105 et 7,6.105 for the high beta Cryomodules. For the cavity performances : The accelerator gradient of each medium beta cavity cannot be lower than 16,7 MV/m or 20% lower than the value measured during the vertical test. The accelerator gradient of each high beta cavity cannot be lower than 19,9 MV/m or 20% lower than the value measured during the vertical test. The X ray field emissions of the Cryomodule must not be greater than 1 Gy/min The cryogenic consumption of the Cryomodules (static) The 2K circuit consumption must be lower than the value measured on the H-ECCTD prototype + 20% (for memory the goal is 13W). The thermal shields 100K circuit consumption must be lower than the value measured on the H-ECCTD prototype + 20% (for memory the goal is 46W). CEA Saclay/Irfu projet ESS