Parent/Guardian Signature Page Digital Day 5 Parent/ Guardian- By signing below you understand that: School was held at home because it was necessary to close the school building and your child has completed the required work to have their Digital Day excused. Signature _____________________________ Date _______________ Digital Day 4 Parent/ Guardian- By signing below you understand that: School was held at home because it was necessary to close the school building and your child has completed the required work to have their Digital Day excused. Signature _____________________________ Date _______________ Digital Day 3 Parent/ Guardian- By signing below you understand that: School was held at home because it was necessary to close the school building and your child has completed the required work to have their Digital Day excused. Signature _____________________________ Date _______________ Digital Day 2 Parent/ Guardian- By signing below you understand that: School was held at home because it was necessary to close the school building and your child has completed the required work to have their Digital Day excused. Signature _____________________________ Date _______________ Digital Day 1 Parent/ Guardian- By signing below you understand that: School was held at home because it was necessary to close the school building and your child has completed the required work to have their Digital Day excused. Signature _____________________________ Date _______________