BSE II RAM / BUCK S. ‘Tona Olurode Theriogenology Unit Vet Public Health & Reproduction COLVET, UNAAB
RAM/BUCK BSE 1: INDICATION, IMPORTANCE AND IMPLICATIONS To detect male that are sterile To detect and remove those with reduced fertility Importance- to rule out defective males and / or treat them Implication- to maximise the breeding potentials by allowing reduction in the male/female ratio for mating purposes.
BSE II PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Physical exam involves thorough exam of the animal including the following critical areas: Locomotor system Body condition score Reproductive system- Prepuce, Penis and inguinal ring Scrotal exam including skin, wool, testes, epididymis, scrotal circumference, scrotal neck and base Libido
BSE III Semen collection and evaluation General considerations- separate male from female at least 3days prior to collection deprive male of food and water 12hrs before for a good result Methods- EE, AV and manual massage
CLASSIFICATION OF RAMS/BUCKS AT SEMEN EVALUATION SCROTAL CIRCUMFERENCE <14 MTHS SCROTAL CIRCUMFERENCE >14 MTHS MOTILITY MORPHOLOGY Excellent > 33cm > 35cm > 50% > 90% Satisfactory >30cm > 30% > 70% Questionable <30cm < 33cm < 30% < 70%
Table 1 – Normal semen quality in the mature ram and buck Ram Buck Volume (ml) 1 (0.8-1.2) 0.8 (0.5-1.0) Sperm concentration (109/ml) 2.5 (1-6) 2.4 (2-5) Motile sperm (%) 75 (60-80) 80 (70-90) Morphological normal sperm (%) 90 (80-95) 90 (75-95)
BSE III: INTERPRETATION Data obtained from the physical examination will assist the vet to decide on how to classify the buck/ ram into any of the FOUR categories: excellent; satisfactory; questionable or unsatisfactory.
Thank You All For your patience, perseverance and understanding.