Session Objective To acquaint the membership with developments in reframing the LOGIN results framework, providing an overview of Key decisions determining the design of the new Results Framework Parameters being monitored through this framework Analytical tools and processes that support the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning System Current status and next steps in operationalising the system and process
Decisions of the last GA Key recommendations of the mid-term review highlighted at the fourth GA, flagging, among other priorities, the development of a more relevant results assessment system Deliberations during the meeting led to agreement that LOGIN can potentially use value creation framework to better assess its value as learning network for its membership Planning for LOGIN activities for 2017 included the mandate of Reframing the LOGIN Results Matrix so that the learning effectiveness and network outcomes are better captured and communicated
Decisions of the last GA (contd.) The framework for social learning in networks provides an appropriate approach for remodelling the LOGIN Results Matrix, appreciating that It proposes an underlying theory-of-change for how learning in networks creates certain types of value at every stage It provides a rigorous methodology that combines Value Creation Stories and Indicators with Learning Loops (to show value created at each stage and across stages of networked learning) Immediate Aspirations: Consolidation and analysis of existing stories of change to demonstrate specific improvement/ transformation of DLG country context can be attributed (at least in part) to activity originating in LOGIN A design brainstorming workshop to examine this framework and incorporate relevant contextual refinements Deliver on a reframed LOGIN Results Matrix
Rationale for reframing the Results Matrix Call for review of LOGIN’s Results Matrix in the Management Response to the Final Report of LOGIN Asia’s Mid-Term Review 2013-2015, to provide for better communication with regard to the achievement of identified objectives and key network functions. Agreement in the network to review and agree on the contours of a more effective Results Matrix Aligned with long term view to establishing LOGIN as a leading peer-learning network Aimed at developing a system to support a nuanced and multi level capturing of results
LOGIN Results to be tracked for Progression of the network in terms of number and diversity of membership, range and depth of content and expertise areas and innovation in terms of learning modalities Relevance of learning and knowledge content, learning modalities and membership mix towards strengthening local governments in the region Effectiveness of efforts and in use of resources for network operations Network health* in terms of governance and ownership, towards a member-led network Overall cumulative impact of network activities
Parameters being monitored Membership Member Profiles – Country, Theme, Type, Expertise Network Activities and Outputs Learning Activities and Related Offers Network Activities/ Processes Quality of Learning Engagement Content Methodologies/ Modalities Resource Utilisation Operational/ Thematic Spend Member Contribution Network Engagement/ Health (not operationalised) Knowledge Networking (Connectedness) and Learning Impact (dependent on member inputs) Relevance and Effectiveness of Learning (demonstrated by application) Connectedness and Learning Outcomes Evidence of Change
Instruments for monitoring MIS (currently manual) Log frame** Stories of Change** Value Creation Framework **Assimilated in the Value Creation Framework. Thus the Composite Results Framework covers: Reconciliation of the Log Frame (Goal, Outcomes, Outputs and Indicators) with Value Creation Framework. Value creation stories (stories of change analyses using the instrumentality of the value creation framework) to track results from networking and learning engagements.
Value Addition The reframing has enabled: Revisiting the log frame to clearly identify stages of value addition in the learning network and the appropriate agency for change (e.g. Network/ Secretariat/ Member) Thus deconstructing the layers of network processes with the how, with whom, how much, etc. Enhanced ability to capture and report relevance and outcomes of Learning activities (demonstrated by application of learning over time) and Improved connectedness across network members The process also includes a technology backed visualisation of results.
LOGIN Results – Select Findings Some reported outcomes linked with learning takeaways: Use of Social Accountability tools and frameworks in enhancing programme design and strategy, advocacy, training and also towards policy level action Application of insights on Local Development Funds in research and policy design Use of the Horizontal Learning Programme as learning tools for students and for enhancing local practices Areas of learning impact as reported: Change in administrative leadership of Municipality and improved responsiveness to public complaints in Afghanistan. Improvement in Gazipur pilot project for Health services in Bangladesh. Marked improvement in women's representation in local politics after 2016 elections and Women Leadership Workshops conducted in Bhutan. Recommendations of the Assessment form part of the policy level actions of the Government in Bhutan. SNIF Sub-decree approved and being piloted through 62 districts in 2017 in Cambodia. Endorsement from Provincial and district administration to co-manage and co-patrol community forest in Cambodia; Environment Code revision under consideration but acceptance of participation of community to manage natural resources in Cambodia. HLP Module part of course taught throughout the country in Nepal.
Current Preoccupations and Next Steps Ongoing Dashboard development and finalisation for summary reporting of results More comprehensive data collection and strengthening network reporting Investing in harvesting of value creation stories and setting up protocols for collation and analysis against different data points, over a long term. On the agenda Adoption of a technology backed MIS for improved data access and smooth uptake for the dashboard (towards enhanced analytical applications) Identifying parameters to monitor network quality (drawing on the network health matrix already developed) and modalities for tracking network engagement