SPA Processes for DM Sites
Site Set Up Process – DM Sites Shipper/Supplier MPRN Created 1 Request Datalogger Installation 1 Request Datalogger Installation 1 Generate Nomination Request 1 Receive & Process Transportation Offer 6 Generate Confirmation & submit to UKLink 7 Email to NGM email IX IX IX MPRN Input to UKLink 1 Receive & Process Nomination Request 2 Generate Transportation Offer or Rejection 5 Receive & Process Confirmation Request 8 UKLink B IX IX IX Validate & Process Datalogger request 2 Validate & Process Datalogger request 2 Xoserve/NGM 1. For all new SP & existing SP consuming greater than 73,200 kWh per annum, Shipper sends Transco a SP Nomination. 2. System validates. Where the site requires the Network to check the load for the site, a response file will be issued to Shipper advising that a Referral has been sent to the Network Operator. 3/4/5. Network Operator will check if load can be accepted & respond within 12 business days either accepting or Rejecting the Nomination. For Accepted, an Offer will be issued to the Shipper (transportation costs) For Rejected, response file to shipper advising of why Nomination rejected. 7. To accept the Offer, Shipper submits a Confirmation file, this indicates that the shipper wishes to take responsibility for the site & accepts the transportation charges. The file must be issued not less than 15 bd before the requested effective date, 7 bd where SP is a new sites therefore no change to shipper. 8. System validates. 9. Responds to Shipper with Confirmation acceptance file. 11/12. Withdrawal Notice sent to current Shipper who has 7 days or D-8 days of Conf effective date, to raise an Objection. Email email Receive Nomination Referral 3 Accept/Reject Nomination Referral 4 Network IX IX
Site Set Up Process cont. – DM Sites New Shipper/Supplier Receive & process Confirmation Acceptance 10 Receive & process Transfer of Ownership 12 Receive Meter Reading Instructions File 14 IX IX IX Generate Confirmation Acceptance 9 Generate Transfer of Ownership Files & Send to Shipper 11 Generate meter Reading Instructions File 13 Generate Ceased responsibility Notice and submit To old Shipper 15 UKLink B IX IX IX IX Old Shipper/Supplier Receive ceased Responsibility notice 16 IX
Summary Installation of Daily Read Equipment (DRE) is requested via email to DM Service Provider (manual process) It may be required for a ‘dummy’ datalogger to be set up on UKLink to enable the shipper to nominate as DM Manual process to set up datalogger on UKLink Nomination & Confirmation process is generally the same for both NDM & DM I&C sites.
Meter Read Loading DM Automated Daily Reading processes S&M estimates where no valid readings received Monitored & maintained by specialist data logger teams