User Support, User Requirements John Apostolakis Geant4 Users Workshop, CERN 2002 Draft 1.2 27 April 2019
Geant4 Users Workshop, November 2002 Overview User Support HyperNews Problem Reporting User Requirements Collection: who, when, how Sorting Prioritisation and development goals Documenting Your feedback 27 April 2019 Geant4 Users Workshop, November 2002
Aspects of User Support User Forum (HyperNews) For questions! Forums List Feedback Relevance Responsiveness Problem Reporting System For bugs! Email Over-used Still vital? 27 April 2019 Geant4 Users Workshop, November 2002
Requirements collection New requirements are gathered From member experiments/institutes From other users Methods To date by email to category coordinators Can be difficult to collect enough information A new form for new user requirements Has been released in September. It contains a template for relevant information. 27 April 2019 Geant4 Users Workshop, November 2002
Requirements collection: sorting Requirements are classed either as Simple for ‘small’ requests And are handled at the working group level E.g. time-dependent fields, modelling improvement,.. Complex or major items Are raised at the TSB level Discussed and prioritised E.g.: cuts per material/region, new G4Exception, migration to STL 27 April 2019 Geant4 Users Workshop, November 2002
Requirement prioritisation Requirements with priorities At TSB meeting, 6th February 2002 Summarised in web document (TSB) Resulting development plans (yearly) presented and agreed at TSB meetings (1st quarter: 25th March 2002) Summarised in development plans doc. FOR MORE INFO... Documents: 1) Requirements and requests from Experiments, 2) Development goals of 2002. 27 April 2019 Geant4 Users Workshop, November 2002
Ongoing Requirements collection Form for User Requirements Utilised at G4 workshop 2001 Refined with experience Online UR Collector Under development, Jan-Aug 2002 First deployment Sep 2002 URL: URD revision (available on G4 Web front page) Future HEP User Requirements Committee 27 April 2019 Geant4 Users Workshop, November 2002