Writing a WebQuest eMINTS Module 27
Housekeeping sign in and get handouts, bring up all links in your task bar Nancy’s email End of the year snack night sign up Email you next years schedule in summer… days that are better than others.
Team building with a group of 3 Team Survival
Essential Question How can educators compose WebQuests that facilitate inquiry and enable students to use higher-level thinking?
Steps to Writing a WebQuest Choose a Topic and Goal Select a Task Create the Website Develop the Evaluation Design the Process Write the Teacher Page Try It and Revise It
Steps to Writing a WebQuest…. TONIGHT Choose a Topic and Goal Select a Task Create the Website
Choose a Topic and Goal Expected Outcome How are standards-based WebQuests created to meet diverse learners needs and engage students in learning through authentic problem-solving, decision-making, and critical-thinking?
*Rubric copies??? In links *Go round… Topic and goal… *Rubric copies??? In links *Go round… Use these sites… 1st 3 links on email Dodge, B. (1999). Selecting a WebQuest Project. http://webquest.sdsu.edu/project-selection.html Dodge, B. (1999). Step Zero: What to Do Before Searching. http://webquest.sdsu.edu/searching/stepzero.html Dodge, B. (2005). Four NETS for Better Searching. http://webquest.sdsu.edu/searching/fournets.htm
To consider as you plan.. Can students assume different roles or perspectives of this topic? Is the ide open ended that could be appraoached from different perspectives or is it skill based with steps? How would this be used in the workplace as a precursor to adult work skills? Could this topic build to a larger task? Will there be enough resources?
Reflection & Putting into Practice What did you see or notice to share with us all?
Step 2: Select a Task Expected Outcome How are standards-based WebQuests created to meet diverse learner needs and engage students in learning through authentic problem-solving , decision-making, and critical-thinking?
Resources Participant Guide Section: Step 2: Select a Task Links: 2 links under “select a task” Bernie Dodge’s WebQuest Design Patterns webpage Dodge, B. WebQuest Design Patterns. eMINTS National Center. The WebQuest Task: Pushing for the Upper Levels of Bloom's Taxonomy.
Reflection & Putting into Practice What did you see or notice to share with us all?
Step 3: Create the Website Expected Outcomes How are standards-based WebQuests created to meet diverse learner needs and engage students in learning through authentic problem-solving, decision-making, and critical thinking?
Work on your website.
Reflection & Putting Into Practice WebQuest Reflective Journal
Step 4: Develop the Evaluation Expected Outcomes How are standards-based WebQuests created to meet diverse learner needs and engage students in learning through authentic problem-solving, decision-making and critical-thinking?
Resources Participant Guide Section: Step 4: Develop the Evaluation Might try: http://www.rubrics4teachers.com/ http://rubistar.4teachers.org/ http://www.rcampus.com/index.cfm
Reflection & Putting Into Practice WebQuest Reflective Journal
Step 5: Design the Process Expected Outcomes How are standards-based WebQuests created to meet diverse learner needs and engage students in learning through authentic problem-solving, decision-making, and critical thinking?
Resources Participant Guide Section: Step 5: Designing the WebQuest Process Designing the WebQuest Process Handout eMINTS WebQuest Rubric/Scoring Guide
Reflection & Putting Into Practice Thoughts on evaluation pages… share
Step 6: Write the Teacher Page Expected Outcomes How are standards-based WebQuests created to meet diverse learner needs and engage students in learning through authentic problem-solving, decision-making, and critical thinking?
Resources Participant Guide Section: Step 6: Write the Teacher Page What should you have on this page? Brainstorm ideas and share in 5 minutes NET-S standards for studetns and teachers
Reflection & Putting Into Practice WebQuest Reflective Journal
Step 7: Try It and Revise It Expected Outcomes How are standards-based WebQuests created to meet diverse learner needs and engage students in learning through authentic problem-solving, decision-making, and critical-thinking?
Resources Participant Guide Section: Step 7: Try It and Revise It
Reflection & Putting Into Practice WebQuest Reflective Journal
Closing Go Around: Share your WebQuest work from today.