Quiz Star: How to get started…
Go to the following website: http://quizstar. 4teachers. org/indexs Go to the following website: http://quizstar.4teachers.org/indexs.jsp and click on the yellow arrow to sign up.
Complete the Student Registration: Username: (first initial)(last initial)(ID #) Password: you pick
3. Click on “click here to search a new class”
4. Search using teacher’s name.
5. Select your class and click register. Second First
6. When you see this you are successfully registered!
7. Once I have seen your registration request I will approve you.
8. Once approved your screen will appear like this 8. Once approved your screen will appear like this. Click on “Untaken Quizzes”
9. Take the Practice Quiz Click Take button
10. If you’d like to see your “score” go back and REVIEW the quiz.