Art 128 Interface Programming 1 In-class Presentation Week 2A
:: in-class example Bull Terriers, the most beautiful ugly dogs
:: in-class lesson Setting styles in the header Using external style sheets: Making a new style sheet Linking the style sheet to your html document Controlling the spacing (margins and padding) CSS: selector {property: value;}
:: in-class exercise HTML with styles set in the header: HTML with a linked style sheet: CSS style sheet:
:: homework due next class :: 01.19.06 For those who will be working from home on your home computer, get Dreamweaver set up by defining a class site. For those who do not have Dreamweaver, please email me and I will suggest an alternative application. W3schools XHTML Tutorial
:: post mortem How smoothly did today’s class run? What slowed us down? What did we skip over? How can we be more efficient in the future?