Continuous Improvement for Writing If you want half (½) of your missed points back (writing errors only; not late, page length, or content issues), then make a short “fix page” for each circled error: Identify the type of error (e.g., punctuation, possessive, run-on, etc.), and Specify why this error matters (e.g., reduces clarity, reduces precision, etc.), and Articulate how you will not make this type of error again in the future (e.g., exert due diligence, “slow down”, run it by someone first, etc.), and additionally, you must show me the writing reference book that you intend to use for class. You must show me your original paper, this “fix page”, and your writing book to me in person and in my office before the end of office hours on Tue., Nov 21st. My regularly-scheduled office hours are available at (or make an appointment with me via email):