Election IT Training Suvidha (test link) District level (DEO/RO/ARO) 10/09/2018
What is suvidha Single window clearance for permission related to campaigning
Objectives: Candidates and political parties can apply for following different permissions during Election Campaign. For meetings For rallies For vehicles For temporary election office For loudspeakers For helicopters and helipads
What needs to be done This system is put in place at every RO level in each sub-division. It provides for applying, processing, granting and monitoring permissions.
Facilities: Receipts generated for every application that can be printed and handed over to the applicant on successful submission of the application Availability Status- Applicant can now see whether the place sought for meeting etc. is booked on that date and time BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH APPLICATION Forwarding letter auto generated to the permission issuing authorities now have all details of the application. Assembly wise Police Stations are mapped. Concerned police station is now getting alert over registered mobile about the application received & permission granted. They are also getting the application papers for issuing no objection in Suvidha e-mail . Application details Register is auto generated capturing all details of the application and decision taken Event Place, Date & Time is now captured in the database.
Citizen should be before 48hrs not more than 72hrs generatedsample appID --S10SUV0120878
Officer login Test officer login userid: U05RO10 password: U05RO10 --Manual forward--- (downloads all documents in zip format) ---download document(order format) to upload ---sign document and upload (order format)
Officer login
Manual forward
Police station master