Viewpoint in Photography
The viewpoint refers to the position we take the photograph from The viewpoint refers to the position we take the photograph from. This will also be the position you place the viewer in when they are looking at your finished shot. The viewpoint can dramatically change the feel of the photograph.
Up Close Up close photography provides a unique perspective into a different world that we would normally see. To achieve this, use a combination of zooming in and moving close to crop in as tightly as you can on your chosen detail.
Vantage Points Another way of using a viewpoint is to create a strong sense of distance and space. Find a distant spot, a tall spot or an angle to shoot from to achieve a strong vantage point.
Angles The angle of the viewpoint can highlight or emphasize the shapes, angles and scale of the subject. To shoot at an angle, try rotating your camera up, down, left or right to change how the image frames in your camera.
Conclusion It is important to see how you can move your position to change the perspective of the scene in front of your camera. It's great practice to experiment with how moving your viewpoint can emphasize different aspects in your photograph. It can also place different parts of the subject in different places in the frame.