Item 7: ISCED 2011 in TUS Eurostat-F5 10 April 2013 WG meeting on TUS
Approved in November 2011 by General Conference of UNESCO ISCED 2011 Approved in November 2011 by General Conference of UNESCO Implementation of ISCED 2011 - an opportunity to significantly improve the comparability of statistics on educational systems and outcomes of education Main changes between ISCED97 and ISCED 2011: 4 levels in tertiary education (5-8 instead of 5-6) coding at 3 digits (level, orientation, access to higher level) ISCED as classification of educational attainment 10 April 2013 WG meeting on TUS
Implementation of ISCED 2011 in EU statistics 2014 - first year of implementation in all EU data collections First dissemination of data in ISCED 2011: 2015 (or later, depending of the calendar of surveys) Two regulations for the implementation of new ISCED: - Commission Regulation no 317/2013 of 8 April 2013 amending the annexes to regulations on different surveys (EU-LFS, SILC, AES,..) - Commission Regulation on UOE data collection (coming soon) 10 April 2013 WG meeting on TUS
Implementation of ISCED 2011 in EU surveys Core social variable on Educational attainment level (highest level of education successfully completed) → recommendation for "diploma approach" Importance of ISCED integrated mappings (information and coding in ISCED of programmes and qualifications/educational attainment) Methodological guidelines (operational ISCED manual + manual for measurement of educational attainment in surveys) – end of May 2013 on Circabc 10 April 2013 WG meeting on TUS
ISCED 2011 coding 1-digit: or ISCED 0 - early childhood education (or less than primary for ed. att.) ISCED 1 - primary ISCED 2 - lower secondary ISCED 3 - upper secondary ISCED 4 - post-secondary non-tertiary ISCED 5 - short-cycle tertiary ISCED 6 - bachelor or equivalent ISCED 7 - master or equivalent ISCED 8 - doctoral or equivalent or 10 April 2013 WG meeting on TUS
ISCED 2011 coding – as in the EU-LFS (and AES): Code Description Educational attainment level* 000 No formal education or below ISCED 1 100 ISCED 1 200 ISCED 2 (incl. ISCED 3 programmes of duration less than 2 years) 302 ISCED 3 programme duration of 2 years and more, sequential (i.e. access to next ISCED 3 programme only) 303 ISCED 3 programme duration of 2 years and more, terminal or access to ISCED 4 only 304 ISCED 3 with access to ISCED 5, 6 or 7 300 ISCED 3 programme of duration of 2 years and more, without possible distinction of access to other ISCED levels 400 ISCED 4 500 ISCED 5 600 ISCED 6 700 ISCED 7 800 ISCED 8 999 Not applicable (child less than 15 years) blank No answer 10 April 2013 WG meeting on TUS
ISCED 2011 in TUS (for comments) To be implemented from 2014, in the new wave For some exceptions (surveys in current wave) - for comparability reasons – to code data in ISCED 97 (even if collected with the ISCED 2011 approach, e.g. for tertiary education) Proposal for continuation of the "EU-LFS like" approach for the coding 10 April 2013 WG meeting on TUS
ISCED 2011 implementation - help National coordinator for implementation of ISCED 2011 nominated in each country Eurostat: specific Circabc page, available end of May 2013 for any questions, please contact (in Education unit) Thank you for your attention! 10 April 2013 WG meeting on TUS