André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV WLTP-10-23e OI #17: Default Road Load Handed over from phase 1a: as an alternative for determining road load with the coast down or torque meter, a calculation method for default road load parameters may be used (based on future data) the parameters can be reviewed. Situation: No new data has been made available (so far) On request of IWG#7 RDW (André Rijnders) took initiative to develop an alternative methodology At IWG#8 (Pune) an initial proposal was presented and discussed At IWG#9 the ACEA Task Force LCV offered to develop the methodology jointly with RDW/TNO At IWG#10 a new initial proposal André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV
André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV WLTP-10-23e OI #17: Default Road Load Aim and principles of new proposal: Alternative for coast down and torque meter method But also alternative for calculation method (table values) Scope: multi-stage vehicles and low-volume, heavy LCVs Reduce test burden Appropriate road load values No loophole (coast down and torque meter preferred approach) André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Default Road Load WLTP-10-23e The LCV Market – Solutions: Small Medium Large Examples (small selection) Peugeot Partner Mercedes Vito Mercedes Sprinter VW Caddy VW Transporter Crafter Mercedes Citan Renault Trafic Iveco Daily Many more . . . Transport Volume Low (2-5 m³) Medium (5-7,5 m³) High ( 7,5-17 m³) Transport Payload Low (< 1 ton) Medium (0,5-1,2 ton) High (1 - 5 ton) TDL (ECE R83) No Yes Certification M1 - EURO6 N1 Gr I, II - M1 - N1 Gr II, III M1,N1 Gr III EURO6 & EUROVI M2,N2 Mercedes Sprinter Panel VAN : app. 4000 combinations are available (Multistage vehicles not included)
OI #17: Default Road Load WLTP-10-23e The LCV Market – Volume: Remarks: Data from 2013 im Mio ECE R83 = tabulated dyno load settings (TDL) Estimate TDL by Daimler: •Mercedes Sprinter •Renault Master •Ford Transit •VW Crafter •Citroen Jumper •Fiat Ducato •Iveco DAILY 0,95 0,24 0,05 N1 1,25 0,01 LCVs with tabulated dyno load settings (TDL), relative small market and segmented in 3 main groups: TDL N1 Group III - Goods carrier TDL N1,M1 - Multistage – Special Purpose vehicles TDL M1 – Crew bus 2,3% Market Share (0,3Mio vs 13,3 Mio)
André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV WLTP-10-23e OI #17: Default Road Load Scope: application restricted to vehicle categories not sufficiently helped by Interpolation Family or Road Load Family M1/N1 vehicles with [technically permissible maximum laden mass > 3 ton] (mainly large vans and crew busses) Low sales volumes, but large number of variations due to customer demands RL family too restrictive Table values give unfavorably high worst case road load and CO2 figures Multi stage vehicles: all categories Road load determination very extensive - variety of possible bodyworks. Even with RL family difficult to obtain the cycle energy demand for all possible bodyworks which could be used by the second stage manufacturers Table values very unattractive for first stage OEM’s under EU CO2 legislation Note: either definition MSV in GTR required or regional implementation required André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV
André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV WLTP-10-23e OI #17: Default Road Load Approach: Single coastdown (or torque meter) test Representative vehicle with estimated worst Cd ( ) Extrapolation Extrapolation based on DAf, DTM, DRR. Conservative extrapolation to prevent loophole ( ) N1 – 16m³ Road Load N1 – 12m³ Volume LH3 LH2 Coast Down N1 – 7m³ N1 – 8m³ André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV
André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV WLTP-10-23e OI #17: Default Road Load Single coastdown test Representative vehicle (i.e. given mass and size) M1/N1 > 3ton (large vans + crew busses): based on (estimated) sales volume; limit the average extrapolation range Multi-stage: To be discussed [Main question : What is a representative vehicle for the multi-stage vehicle?] Estimated worst Cd No simple way to determine Cd of all vehicle configurations Extrapolation formulas do not include Cd as a parameter André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV
André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV WLTP-10-23e OI #17: Default Road Load Extrapolation – New proposal f0 and f2 derived (by least squares regression analysis) from coastdown data set of the tested vehicle extrapolation (higher and lower Af, TM, RR): Max correlation road load values and delta’s TM, Af and RR f0_new = f0/TM * (TM + DTM) + 9.81 * DRR * (TM + DTM) f2_new = f2/Af * (Af + DAf) André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV
André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV WLTP-10-23e OI #17: Default Road Load Measurement B: F0=242,2N; F2=0,0667N/(km/h)² 245/0,067 Mass decrease (-497kg) Simulation Measurement A: F0=295,69 N, F2=0,07150 N/(km/h)² Frontal area decrease (-0,32 m²) Simulation 300/0,027 340/0,075 340/0,078 Sprinter with high roof, worse in Aerodynamics and weight Sprinter with extra high roof, worst-case in Aerodynamics and weight André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV
W WLTP-10-23e OI #17: Default Road Load Extrapolation – Accuracy (Deviation between simulation and Coast Down) (Data based on NAFTA Sprinter) (CO2 Range = 80g) OLD Worst Case -> Best Case Worst Case -> Most SellingWorst Case -> Most Selling Best Cast -> Most SellingBest Cast -> Most Selling Most Selling -> Best CaseMost Selling -> Best CaseMost Selling -> Best Case Most Selling -> Worst CaseMost Selling -> Worst CaseMost Selling -> Worst Case Extrapolation method (with single measurement) reaches accurary of 2,6% between best and worst case vehicle André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV
André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV WLTP-10-23e OI #17: Default Road Load Extrapolation – Additional remarks Justification different approach for upward and downward extrapolation Real world correlation between road load values and delta’s TM, Af, RR: typically in 85-100% range Conservative: in general real world road load should not be higher than the calculated value (worst case, but realistic) OEM to some extend free to choose test vehicle Formulas are a proper but simplified reflection of real world correlation Drivetrain losses and delta Cd not included F1 left out No calibration checks as exists for interpolation methods Upward: XUP correlation gives conservative values Downward: XDOWN correlation gives conservative values. André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV
André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV WLTP-10-23e OI #17: Default Road Load Observed correlation road load values and Af, TM, RR Road load Max correlation Reduced correlation Real world correlation Bandwidth Tested vehicle Delta Af, TM, RR André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV
André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV WLTP-10-23e OI #17: Default Road Load Extrapolation - Correction Upward and Downward extrapolation (XUP , XDOWN for Af, TM, RR): Reduced correlation road load values and delta’s TM, Af and RR f0_new = (1-X)*f0 + (X)*(f0/TM*(TM+DTM)+9.81*DRR*(TM+DTM)) f2_new = (1-X)*f2 + (X)*f2/Af*(Af + DAf) André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV
André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV WLTP-10-23e OI #17: Default Road Load Proposed correlations for upward and downward extrapolation: conservative Road load Upward extrapolation Downward extrapolation Real world correlation Bandwith Tested vehicle Delta Af, TM, RR André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV
André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV WLTP-10-23e OI #17: Default Road Load To Do List for further proceeding : Methodology to determine F0 and F2 Decision on Upward and Downward correlation Extrapolation range (if appropriate) Selection representative Multi Stage Vehicle Definition of Multi Stage Vehicle in GTR or regional legislation André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Default Road Load Multistage vehicles WLTP-10-23e [PLACEHOLDER TEXT] Titel der Präsentation in 9 pt CorpoS Regular | Abteilung | Datum
André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV WLTP-10-23e OI #17: Default Road Load Selection representative Multi Stage test vehicle List of topics: Build artificial vehicle or select completed vehicle? Selected Cd. [estimated worst case (completed vehicle) or square box (artificial vehicle)??] Selected TM. [TM = (estimated M in running order of chassis-cabin + estimated technically permissible laden mass)/2 ??] Selected Af and RR. [estimated average Af and RR ??] Maximum # of axis?? Extrapolation range André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV
André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV WLTP-10-23e OI #17: Default Road Load Proposed name: Road Load Extrapolation Matrix André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV
André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV WLTP-10-23e OI #17: Default Road Load Proposed time schedule: IWG#10: decision to proceed If positive: May 2015: preparation proposal in Annex 4 TF (includes consultation CP) IWG#11: initial draft gtr – if possible ready for adoption IWG#12: adoption André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV
OI #17: Default Road Load Agreement of IWG to proceed? WLTP-10-23e André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV
André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV WLTP-10-23e OI #17: Default Road Load Backup Definition of multi stage in EU legislation: Frame work directive 2007/46. Article 3 Definitions 7. multi-stage type-approval means the procedure whereby one or more Member States certify that, depending on the state of completion, an incomplete or completed type of vehicle satisfies the relevant administrative provisions and technical requirements of this Directive; 18. base vehicle means any vehicle which is used at the initial stage of a multi-stage type-approval process; André Rijnders RDW / The Netherlands – Wouter Vandermeulen ACEA-LCV