Our School’s Inclusive Action Plan A vision of inclusion for all.
Inclusion in Education – The Time is Now! Click here for a short video clip on inclusion.
Our Vision Statement Our vision is to create a school culture that embraces an inclusive school environment for students, families, teachers and administrators. Families, community members and students must value the principles of inclusive schools. Educators must learn the essential components of inclusive schools to implement inclusive practices within the classroom. Our inclusive school environment will be achieved through: Leadership that Promotes Inclusive Practices Developing Interdisciplinary Collaboration Between Educators Implementing Effective Inclusive Classrooms Models Implementing Successful Evidence Based Instruction for All Learners (Dieker, 2010)
What Are Inclusive Schools? “Principles of inclusive education: PRESENCE Every child has the right to learn in her / his neighborhood school. PARTICIPATION Inclusion is about the opportunity to participate: active involvement and choice. Individual strengths or learning potential should not be predetermined. ACHIEVEMENT All children can learn. Inclusive education is about access and equity for all students. Teaching and learning has to be differentiated according to individuals’ strengths.” (Väyrynen, 2017)
Our Goals For Inclusion Leadership will promote inclusive practices by gathering and sharing relevant data from all stakeholders and multiple resources, then utilizing this data to drive professional development, educational sessions for the community/students, and arrange for appropriate resources to support teachers, students and families. Through professional development, training and scheduled common planning periods, interdisciplinary collaboration between educators will increase by 50% to effectively plan and implement strategies for inclusive settings to meet the needs of all students. Increase the number of SWD and ELL students in inclusive settings by 25% over 5 years, through the implementation of effective inclusive classroom models. Increase the number of students who can obtain proficiency in ELA and Math benchmarks by 20 % over five years, by implementing successful evidence-based instruction.
Implementation of Our Action Plan Review action plan goals, timelines, resources, responsibilities and expected outcomes. Evaluate and determine needs for additional resources, training and staffing. Review and assess current available funding and adjust funding based on need for current and future resources. Implement inclusive action plan and monitor goals/expected outcomes using outlined progress monitoring tasks and established check-ins. Review progress and reallocate staffing, resources and funding as needed.
Who Will Be Responsible for Inclusion? Administration General Education Staff Special Education Staff (Speech, OT, PT, Vision, Orientation &Mobility and Hearing) ENL Teachers Students Community Members Families All stakeholders!
What Resources Will Be Needed? Data collected from through Surveys, Student Demographics and State Reports Staffing Professional Development Technology Funding to support Resources
How Will the Action Plan Be Progressed Monitored? Established Criteria is outlined for each goal which includes in part: Data collected from through Surveys, Student Demographics, State Reports, Administrative Observations
Why Inclusion? The Power of Inclusion Click here to watch a short video on the power of inclusion and one family’s story.
References Dieker, L.A. (2010). Creating Effective Inclusion Schools and Classrooms. Orlando: University of Central Florida. Väyrynen, S. “Inclusive Education”. University of Lapland, 2017. Retrieved from slideplayer.com/slide/10564259/ on March 29, 2018.