Analysis of the phosphomimetic ProP‐PD selection results Analysis of the phosphomimetic ProP‐PD selection results Fractions of the sequencing counts for individual peptides (wild‐type peptides indicated by red bars and phosphomimetic variants by blue bars) from NGS analysis of binding‐enriched phage pools from selections against the PDZ domains of Scribble and DLG1. Peptides are sorted based on the site of the phosphomimetic mutations (corresponding to known or putative phosphosites). Standard deviations are indicated (n = 3 for all cases except for Scribble PDZ2 where n = 2). Peptide pairs for which there are significant differences between the fractions of NGS counts for wild‐type and phosphomimetic peptides are indicated with * (multiple t‐tests, significance level 0.05). Peptides with multiple phosphorylation sites have been omitted from this analysis for clarity. For further details, see Table EV3.Position weight matrices (PWMs, WebLogo3) representing the phosphomimetic ProP‐PD selections data for the PDZ domains of Scribble and DLG1. The numbers of peptides used for the analysis are indicated.Scoring matrices of the effects of phosphomimetic mutations on the phosphomimetic ProP‐PD results of the PDZ domains of Scribble and DLG1. Scores are calculated from the ratios between NGS counts of the phosphomimetic peptides and the sum of the NGS counts of the wild‐type and phosphomimetic peptides. A score of 0 (red) indicates that the selection was dominated by wild‐type peptides, and a score of 1 (blue) indicates that the selection was dominated by peptides with phosphomimetic mutations at the given position (n = 3 for all cases except for Scribble PDZ2 where n = 2). Positions marked with * have a score that is significantly different from the score 0.5 of a neutral effect as determined using multiple t‐tests and correcting for multiple comparisons using a false discovery rate of 2.5%. The position for which only wild‐type or phosphomimetic peptides are represented in the data set could not be subjected to this test. Gustav N Sundell et al. Mol Syst Biol 2018;14:e8129 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend