Special Olympics Chile Webinar January 2019 Special Olympics Chile
Work with schools Selection of the most active schools with SO Chile. Meeting with director of school to coordinate commitment of the institution as such, and the responsibilities of the designated staff of the school. Signing of Letter of Commitment List of tasks and commitments that each part (school and SO Chile) accepts to perform to guarantee the success of the health intervention in the school. Meeting with parents and teachers Presentation of SO Chile. Objective: get the involvement of the whole community with the health habits and referrals of their children and students.
Referrals During the Health Fair, we perform ear cleansings, treatment of minor caries and nutrition evaluation and coaching . The students who need a different specialist or the cases that cannot be taken care of at the Fair, will receive a referral notice. Referrals are directed to health centers from partner universities or private health centers chosen by the family. Referral notices are given to the students and to the school which is responsible to do the follow-up with the family. Point to improve in the control of the reports.
Health Care Actions 2018: Total number of evaluations: 1450 Total number of treatments: 183 Total Washing of ears: 44 students Total Treatment of minor caries: 107 students Referrals that have been accomplished: 32 students