I Will Develop Good Habits (Part 2) Mark 10:29-31
I Will Develop Good Habits… …and Become Their Slave. We continue to borrow from the 10 suggestions from Og Mandino in The Greatest Salesman in the World. This morning we looked at the first 5: 1. Today, I begin a new life. 2. I will greet this day with love in my heart. 3. I will persist until I succeed. 4. I am God’s greatest miracle. 5. I will live this day as if it is my last.
Today, I Will Master My Emotions. I Will Develop Good Habits… …and Become Their Slave. 6 Today, I Will Master My Emotions. It is as the difference between the flesh and Spirit (Gal. 5:16-26). See Phil. 4:9.
Today, I Will Laugh at the World. I Will Develop Good Habits… …and Become Their Slave. 7 Today, I Will Laugh at the World. No other living creature can laugh except man! (Eccl. 3:4). See Phil. 1:18; 2:17,18; 3:1; 4:4.
Today, I Will Multiply My Value I Will Develop Good Habits… …and Become Their Slave. 8 Today, I Will Multiply My Value 100-fold. This habit may seem impossible--but it is! (Mk. 10:29-31).
I Will Develop Good Habits… …and Become Their Slave. 9 I Will Act Now. Action is the food and drink that will nourish your success (2Cor. 6:2).
I Will Develop Good Habits… …and Become Their Slave. 10 I Will Pray. Prayer is the power source of the successful (1Th. 5:17).
I Will Develop Good Habits… …and Become Their Slave. Five new habits: 6. Today, I Will Master My Emotions. 7. Today, I Will Laugh at the World. 8. Today, I Will Multiply My Value 100-fold. 9. I Will Act Now. 10. I Will Pray. Are you doing these things? Will you begin to do them today?