Fort George G. Meade Face of Change
Transformation Critical Analysis, Research, and Project Development BRACEUL Cyber Joint Land UseTransportation Transportation Demand Management (TDM)
Agency/ Time Dec2011 Jan FebMarAprMayJunJulAug DISA DMA Adjudication Total As of: 22 Apr 2011 Personnel Totals Total Military CivilianContractor DISA Adjudication DMA *663** *DMA building occupancy date was delayed, therefore migration of positions shifted from Spring to Summer ** A number of recently hired personnel are from Maryland and or have begun to relocate to Maryland Relocation Timeline
Roadway Projects RED = Intersection = Gate = Road = Unfunded / Critical = Unfunded / Moderate = Funded YELLOW GREEN
Funded Road Projects Access Control Point Rockenbach ACP ($9.7M) (through state) Road widening Cooper Ave Improvements (BRAC) Intersections Reece at Ernie Pyle ($1.75M) Rockenbach at Cooper $1.4M Mapes at Cooper ($1.9M) Unfunded Road Projects Mapes Rd East ACP ($6.2M) Mapes Rd West ACP ($8.3M) Reece Rd ACP ($10.6M) Llewellyn ACP ($8.8M) Access Control Points Road widening Mapes Rd East ($1.95M) Mapes Rd West ($3.4M) Reece Rd ($3.25M) Intersections Mapes at Ernie Pyle ($1.8M) Mapes at OBrien ($1.85M) Rockenbach at OBrien ($1.75M) Projects
Defense Information Systems Agency Defense Media Activity Adjudication Activities Building 902 DINFOS Expansion CYBER Rockenbach ACP Rockenbach/Cooper Rd Intersection Mapes/Cooper Rd Intersection CYS – Sports Complex Golf Course
Elements of TDM Telework Carpools Vanpools Buses – subscription, ICC, shuttle MARC Train Metro Rail Light Rail Walk/Bike Transportation Demand Management (TDM)
Situation: (peak period – 0700 to 0800 hours) Current gate lane capacity 360/hr: 2 lanes/gate X 5 gates X 360 vehicles = 3,600 Number of vehicles now arriving during peak period ~ 3,900 (300 vehicles over capacity) No improvements of gates and roadways in near future for lack of funding Llewellyn Gate was a multi-occupancy vehicle (MOV) gate on a trial basis – was re-evaluated – now one lane at Rockenbach is devoted to MOV traffic – two lanes will be open to all other traffic Status: Current wait time at some gates ~ 5 to15 minutes With growth and no TDM this time will only increase Way Ahead: Implement TDM programs now Carpool, Vanpool, Buses, MARC Train, Metro, Light Rail, Bicycles, walk Compressed work schedule, Flex schedule, Telework Use gate for inbound traffic only from 0600 to 0900 Identify new ways to reduce single occupancy vehicle (SOV) usage Transportation Demand Management (TDM)
Programs of Interest Mass Transportation Benefits Program (MTBP): Currently up to $230 per month for use with vanpools, mass transit options Must register – Complete form – then take to Bldg 219 for processing (Mr. Riley, ) Some agencies provide for their own employees Guaranteed Ride Home Program (GRHP): For those who commute at least two days per week (walking & carpools) Can use up to four times per year, for real emergencies Options include taxi, rental car, or free mass transit Register online: OR Odenton MARC Train and Internal Shuttle: For schedules visit: Intercounty Connector (ICC) – Gaithersberg to FGGM & Return: For schedule visit: Other resource websites: & Transportation Demand Management (TDM)